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每一辆丰田汽车上都有我的名字。All Toyota vehicles bear my name.

丰田引擎能力如何?Q. How driveable is the Toyota engine?

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我开着新买的丰田汽车回家。I drove home in my newly-bought Toyota.

丰田的普锐斯是其中最受青睐的车型。The Toyota Prius is the best-selling model.

我竭尽全力想为丰田车队挣得一些分数。I tried my best to get some points for Toyota.

丰田股票是否被低估有待于探讨.Whether Toyota is undervalued is up for debate.

但Kingston说丰田应该比这做得更多。But Kingston says Toyota must go further than that.

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丰田和宝马公司的新厂房都建在了美国的南部。New factories from Toyota and BMW are in the South.

后来,我们访问了丰田中心,这是所以广阔。Later we visited Toyota Center, it's so a roominess.

那么,丰田有多大的可能性重复奥迪15年的恢复?So how likely is Toyota to repeat Audi's 15-year lull?

为什么会戴姆勒和丰田捏造这样的一个联盟?。Why would Daimler and Toyota concoct such an alliance?

这次迁厂是丰田在美国创造神话的关键。The move was pivotal to the story of Toyota in America.

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在美国,丰田公司是很受欢迎的雇主。Toyota is a sought-after employer in the United States.

福特对丰田--混合动力技术的口水战Ford versus Toyota -- The hybrid technology war of words

该国的两家冠军企业,丰田和索尼,正处在风雨飘渺之中。Its two champions, Toyota and Sony, are faltering badly.

没有任何人暗示这是美国在搞扳倒丰田的阴谋.No one is suggesting a U.S. conspiracy to topple Toyota.

丰田拒绝安排奥田硕发表置评。Toyota declined to make Mr. Okuda available for comment.

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丰田汽车尾灯在平坦的最优质的折扣价。Toyota taillights best quality in the flat rate discount.

其中有一些公寓的售价比一辆新的丰田卡罗拉还少。There are some selling for less than a new Toyota Corolla.

当然这次情况不同,你买丰田是因为质量可靠而非其它原因。You buy a Toyota for its quality. Thereis no other reason.