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他在法国驻华大使馆工作。He works at the French Legation in China.

大使馆降为公使馆。The embassy was downgraded to a legation.

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我们当时还在伊顿广场的公使馆。We were still at the legation at Eaton Place.

当时,日本在北平已设有公使馆。At that time, the Japanese legation in Peking have in place.

我使馆要求瓦努阿图政府马上制止这种做法。My legation requests the tile diagram government to stop this kind of way of doing right away.

而由我们代表处发出的邀请函,在中国使馆是起不到作用的。But be represented by us an invitation letter for sending out, in the Chinese legation is to can not rises the function.

刚刚得知,驻日使馆前,几十人的抗议活动半小时草草收场。Just know, before halting the legation of the day, several ten people's protest activity half an hour is an ending roughly.

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我于星期日被绑架到中国公使馆,并将从英国偷运到中国处死。请速救我?。I was kidnapped into the Chinese Legation on Sunday and shall be smuggled out from England to China for death. Pray rescue me quick?

大宗假钞的意外发现,惊动了巡捕房的总巡捕关云鹏,也引起了美国公使馆的高度警觉。The accidental discovery of the large counterfeit money, total alerted the police station on the GuanYunPeng, also caused the American legation was on the alert.

在北京深造后,他成为中国驻圣彼得堡公使馆的一名译员,这是在他最终凭自己的能力进入外交界之前。After further studies in Beijing, he joined the Chinese legation in St Petersburg as a translator, before eventually entering the diplomatic service in his own right.

这个住宅院落也被称为‘丹麦博览会’,位于北京饭店和使馆区北面几百码,接近皇宫。The Danish Mess, as the residential compound was called, was located a few hundred yards north of the Hôtel de Pékin and the Legation Quarter, close to Imperial Palace.