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和她的同事在皮肤科医学同意。And her colleagues in the field of dermatological medicine agree.

它们可以用于许多化妆和皮肤病学应用。They can be used in many cosmetic and dermatological applications.

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用于改进化妆品产品的皮肤性质的活性组份。Active ingredient to improve the dermatological properties of cosmetic products.

色素稀释性脱毛症为一罕见遗传性疾病。Color dilution alopecia is a relatively uncommon hereditary dermatological disease.

“知道”,美吕说,“你在检查擦伤和皮肤异常。”"Yes, " she says, "You're checking for any abrasions or dermatological abnormalities."

北京医院皮肤科主任医师常建民说。Chang Jianmin of doctor of chairman of Beijing hospital dermatological department says.

左侧耳后可见两处椭圆形环状红斑,边缘隆起。Dermatological examination showed two oval-shaped erythemas with intumescent edge on the left ear.

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对于儿科专业的学生,皮肤性病学教学有其独特性。For students of pediatrics, the dermatological and venereological teaching has its own characters.

在这里您可以找到先进的皮肤病学,激光技术和美容技术。Here you will find advanced dermatological science , laser technologies and cosmetic technologies.

耳道由皮肤延展而成,会被许多皮肤病波及到。The ear canal is an extension of the skin, and is affected by many general dermatological disorders.

这种实验室内毒性该如何在皮肤科上实际应用仍不明确。The relevance of this in vitro toxicity to dermatological application of Lavandula oils remains unclear.

此外,本书还向医生和患者介绍了如何利用互联网获取皮肤学信息。In addition the use of the internet for dermatological information by both doctors and patients is reviewed.

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死海研究中心为试图消除皮肤病的客户策划了一项“七步治疗方案”。The Dead Sea Research Center proposes a seven-step treatment program for clients seeking dermatological relief.

本研究以皮肤红疹病变较集中之地区的居民为研究族群。Inhabitants with skin lesions who lived in the prevalent area were asked to come for dermatological examination.

我们就与变应疾病有关的皮肤问题对本地行医者作出实用的建议。We have made practical recommendations to local practitioner for testing allergy related dermatological problems.

银屑病是皮肤病中最为常见的疾病之一。Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatological diseases. Its major character of pathology is parakeratosis of keracytes.

在服用一种新的药物时,要仔细阅读说明书,看该药是否会引起皮肤系统相关的不良反应。Whenever you start taking a new medicine, read the label closely to see if you should expect any dermatological side effects.

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那应该去看妇科还是皮肤科?或是什么别的科室?That should visit department of gynaecology or dermatological department? Or what be other administrative or technical offices?

消除疤痕膏和其他一些皮肤病的医学疗程能起到一定的作用,但是没有人知道如何在初次伤害处消除疤痕生成。Scar-reducing creams and other dermatological procedures can help, but no one has known how to prevent scarring in the first place.

目前的研究提示,外用烟酰胺制剂在皮肤科有广泛的应用前景,值得开发。The current research hints topical nicotinamide product has a broad application foreground in dermatological field and is worthy of exploitation.