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因此,在经文中连续开展精神文明的构思赎罪。Thus there is in Scripture a successive spiritualization of the idea of Atonement.

如此的趋向能被高级文明和精神净化逐渐修正。Such tendencies can be modified only by advancing civilization and by gradual spiritualization.

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而作为其应有之义的内在性或心灵化倾向,更赋予主体性诗学一种现代内涵。Yet its internality and tendency of spiritualization endow the principal poetics with a modern connotation.

他创造的视觉隐喻,他的个人化、心灵化的绘画形象,为中国画的发展提供了宝贵的经验。He has enriched the treasure of Chinese paintings with his visual metaphor, impersonality and spiritualization.

其目的在于论证内蒙古“四清运动”的特征,以期弥补这一研究领域的空白。The mainly attention of the author is argumentation about characteristics of four spiritualization movement in Inner Mongolia.

最近感觉不太好,很多事都要重新思考,这让一向敏感的我更加精神化。Recently the feeling was not too good, very many matters needed to ponder, this let always sensitive me even more spiritualization.

每一次的生死观的教育,应该是一次心灵的启迪、心灵的净化、心灵的升华。Every time of education on the concept of life and death, should one time of edification , spiritualization and sublimation in mind.

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占星术及其标志语言是一个炼金术士在他们的作品很大的帮助和对物质精神文明盐渍。Astrology and its language of signs were of a great help for alchemists in their works and brining about the spiritualization of matter.

油画通过在中国不同时期的文艺舞台上扮演不同的历史角色,而实现着其作为一种精神载体的艺术功用。Playing different roles on the stage of arts in different periods in China, oil-paintings realized its artistic function as a spiritualization carrier.

本文以相关史料为依据,对内蒙古“四清运动”的背景、重点问题及其过程等为焦点进行了探讨。According to concerned historical materials, the author of the article discoursed background, emphases problems and process of four spiritualization movements in Inner Mongolia.

随着时间的推移,我们中的许多人已经学会了隐藏自己的真实情感的面具,像失望、愤怒和悲伤后面的“扑克脸,“工作狂,智能化、精神化。Over timemany of us have learned to mask and hide our truest emotions like disappointmentanger and sadness behind a "poker-face" workaholismintellectualization or spiritualization.