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美国堪萨斯州中东一城市,位于托皮卡西南。A city of east-central Kansas southwest of Topeka.

在堪萨斯州的托皮卡,开车穿过游行队伍也是违法的。In Topeka , Kansas, it is illegal to drive ones car through a parade.

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他在堪萨斯州的托皮卡勾画出农作物控制法的轮廓。At Topeka , Kansas , he sketched the outline of a crop control measure.

美国堪萨斯州东北一城市,位于托皮卡东南偏东部的堪萨斯河畔。A city of northeast Kansas on the Kansas River east-southeast of Topeka.

在堪萨斯州首府托皮卡,一些积极分子也不甘示弱,正在积极推进一个全国奥巴马假日。Not to be outdone, some activists in Topeka , Kansas, are promoting a national Obama holiday.

美国堪萨斯州东北部的一座城市,位于托皮卡西面。它是一个加工及教育中心。人口37,72。A city of northeast Kansas west of Topeka. It is a processing and educational center. Population, 37,72.

美国堪萨斯州东北部的一座城市,位于托皮卡西面。它是一个加工及教育中心。人口37,712。A city of northeast Kansas west of Topeka. It is a processing and educational center. Population, 37,712.

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曼哈顿市美国堪萨斯州东北部的一座城市,位于托皮卡西面。它是一个加工及教育中心。人口37,712。A city of northeast Kansas west of Topeka. It is a processing and educational center. Population, 37, 712.

1958年5月29日,贝宁出生于堪萨斯州的托皮卡,很小的时候就举家迁往加利福尼亚的圣地亚哥。Born in topeka kansas on may291958 being moved with her family to san diego california when she was very young.

1958年5月29日,贝宁出生于堪萨斯州的托皮卡,很小的时候就举家迁往加利福尼亚的圣地亚哥。Born in Topeka , Kansas, on May 29, 1958, Bening moved with her family to San Diego, California when she was very young.

曾经,美国一个三年级学生琳达·布朗每天要穿过一个铁路调车厂,走很长一段路,才能到达位于堪萨斯州托皮卡市的学校。AMERICAN grade 3 student Linda Brown had to walk a long way through a railway yard to get to her school in Topeka , Kansas.

从洛杉矶到、托皮卡、堪萨斯到华盛顿,美国各地50个剧院计划免费直播此次悼念仪式。About 50 theaters across the country, from Los Angeles to Topeka , Kansas, to Washington, D. C. , were planning to broadcast the memorial live, for free.

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托皮卡-支持者说他们将敦促州长凯瑟琳·西贝利厄斯和立法机关支持带给堪萨斯州的残疾人自立性的服务。Topeka —Advocates say they will urge Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and the Legislature to support services that give Kansans with disabilities more independence.

我们真的不知道怎么说,但如果你问我们,奥利弗托皮卡启将是一个迷人的小男孩的名字奥利弗谷歌凯的父母。We don't really know what to tell Oliver Google Kai's parents, except that, if you ask us, Oliver Topeka Kai would be a charming name for their little boy.

通讯向我们公司总部和世界各地的办事处,现在应该给托皮卡公司,但可以解决,否则正常。Correspondence to both our corporate headquarters and offices around the world should now be addressed to Topeka Inc. , but otherwise can be addressed normally.

从洛杉矶、托皮卡、堪萨斯到华盛顿,美国各地有50个剧院计划免费直播此次悼念仪式。In America, about 50 movie theaters across the country, from Los Angeles to Topeka , Kan. , and Washington, D. C. , planned to show the memorial live, for free.

例如,我们就必须保证托皮卡新闻与托皮卡地图用户,这些服务将继续提供来自世界各地的新闻和本地信息。For instance, we'll have to assure users of Topeka News and Topeka Maps that these services will continue to offer news and local information from across the globe.