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而在C语言里面,与之相应的部分就是。main Well in C, the counterpart is main.

对方索然无味,徙劳而去。Her counterpart left in vain and vapidity.

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你的右耳朵是你左耳朵的相对物。Your right ear is the counterpart of your left ear.

作为被告,他对应的人是航空理事会。As a defendant, his counterpart was the Aviation Council.

每个字段在数据库表中有一个对应的列。Each of them has a counterpart column in the database tables.

神圣爱人,在对等者中扮演了许多角色。Divine beloveds play many roles in the counterpart circumstance.

上海的商业街比美国任何同类都要繁华。There are malls in Shanghai richer than any American counterpart.

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五段论与真实世界也不存在一一对应。Five-paragraph themes don't have any counterpart in the real world.

当日,杨洁篪还与乍得外长法基举行会谈。Yang also held talks with his Chadian counterpart Moussa Faki Mahamat.

每个伊沃克人出生时,都有一棵对应的灵魂树或出生树被种下。For each Ewok birth, a counterpart "soul tree" or birth-tree is planted.

与夏威夷的浮标相比,型号为PB150的浮标更大,产能更多。The PB150 will be larger and more powerful than its counterpart in Hawaii.

她内心对应的那个男性意向对展现外在美很在行。Her inner male counterpart wrote the book on celebrating the body beautiful.

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实际上,针对著名上市药物的仿制药极少能够实现精确的仿制。In fact, a brand-name drug's generic counterpart is rarely an exact replica.

同日,杨洁篪与加蓬外长通吉举行会谈。On the same day, Yang held talks with his Gabonese counterpart Paul Toungui.

多数学者把它等同于沃尔特·本雅明的“以后生存”。Many scholars regarded it as the counterpart of Walter Benjamins "afterlife".

墨西哥相对应的愚人节实际上是在12月28日这一天庆祝的。Mexico's counterpart of April Fool's Day is actually observed on December 28.

相反,北韩领导人金正日在欢迎卢武铉的时候面无笑容。By contrast, Mr. Kim was unsmiling as he greeted his South Korean counterpart.

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NPN晶体管在性能方面通常优于它们对应的PNP晶体管。NPN transistors are normally superior to their PNP counterpart in performance.

那么,如果没有美国模式这个对应物,中国模式还会存在吗?Would this Chinese model exist at all, then, but for its American counterpart?

1915年6月组成的美国实现和平联盟,也是这样一个团体。An American counterpart was the League to Enforce peace, organized in June 1915.