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火星人的耳机已经造出来了。The Martian headphones are already made.

基吉,火星电台的摇滚明星,唱出了这则新闻。Ziggy is a Martian rock star who sings the news.

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这就是地球人比火星人更幸福的所在了。This was the earthman compared to the Martian happier.

你需要制造能够在火星的条件下工作的部件。You need to build gadgets that work in Martian conditions.

我的腿弹了起来,我接到了我做为火星人的第一个惊喜。Springing to my feet, I received my first Martian surprise.

利用外部证据否定火星人入侵的报道。Those who rejected the Martian story from internal evidence.

影片是关于火星人与地球人之间的事。The movie is about between the Martian and earthman's matter.

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谨记,他是火星人,记分法和你不同。Remember, he's a Martian and doesn't keep score the way you do.

其中较为典型的表征,是“火星文”的大肆使用。Among them relatively typical token, be " Martian article " use wantonly.

有个假说认为冯布朗山是火星上的火山作用产生的。A leading hypothesis holds that von Braun is related to martian volcanism.

这个孩子将会是第一个火星人——至少从国籍来看是这样的。Such an infant would be the first real Martian -- at least by nationality.

当然,拿到真正的月球和火星土来盆栽是不可能的要求。Of course, getting real lunar and Martian potting soil is an impossible ask.

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为了寻找生命的迹象,海盗号的两个着陆器对火星的少量土壤进行了研究。The two Viking landers tested small amounts of Martian soil for signs of life.

目前最有可能的火星化石鱼,甚至火星的动物。There are most likely fossils of Martian fish and perhaps even Martian animals.

火星一年有687天,火星每天比地球长40分钟。The Martian year lasts 687 Earth days, and each Martian day is 40 minutes longer.

他说,美国应该考虑在火卫一上建一个中转基地。And he says the nation should consider a stop-over base on the Martian moon Phobos.

同时它说国家应该考虑停止基础的火星火为一。And he says the nation should consider a stop-over base on the Martian moon Phobos.

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火星人没有生殖器官,以分裂繁殖的方式繁衍后代。The martian has no genitals , multiply the offspring in a manner to split and breed.

他们计划在火星地表移动寻找水和生命的迹象。They plan to trundle across the Martian surface searching for signs of water and life.

在这艘追逐彗星的飞船下方,沿着火星的流沙地区有一道暗色的边界。Below the comet-chasing spacecraft lies a dark boundary along the martian Syrtis region.