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ISRO的大多数导航芯片是进口的!No, most of navigation chips ISRO uses are imported! !

ISRO能把泰米尔纳德邦和比哈尔邦的政客一次性送上去吧?。Can ISRO take all the TN and Bihar politicians at ONE GO ?

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然而,Isro称类似的言论低估了印度的最终目标。However, Isro says such talk underestimates India's final goals.

ISRO与印度国防研究与发展组织共同合作开发卫星。ISRO is developing the satellite in collaboration with India's Defence Research and Development Organisation.

ISRO官员指出中国的一些媒体报导说印度的探月计划漏洞屡出,这些都是报导毫无根据的。ISRO officials rubbished as baseless claims in the Chinese media that there were some flaws in the Indian moon mission.

这本身是一个成就,它已经到来了应有的辉煌,智慧和严格的努力,印度空间研究组织的科学家。This is an achievement in itself and it has come off due to the brilliant, smart and rigorous efforts by ISRO scientists.

我们印度空间局比中国的空间局牛B多了,我们在使用最新的技术,而中国只能使用陈旧的过时的技术。Our ISRO is much more advanced than the Chinese Space Agencies. We have latest technologies where China is still using old and outdated ones.

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之后大家的注意力都从印度空间研究所转移到他们的合作者身上,他们的工作就是把各自的卫星站与不同的地球站连接。The tension was then transferred from ISRO to their partners whose job was to link their respective satellites with different earth stations.

ISRO取得了一项伟大的成就。尼赫鲁广为传播了印度科学,其他国家的领导人希望了解我们的科学史。That's a great to our ISRO achievement. science in India widely spread by Nehru. And others leaders to know our long study of science in history.

另外一个不愿透露姓名的科学家告诉采访者,印度空间研究组织有一个在载人项目上超越中国的蓝图。Another space scientist, on conditions of anonymity, told The Pioneer that Isro had a man mission blueprint to take over China in space programmes.

ISRO表示,一个名叫“月球撞击探测器”的装置将会同飞船分离,落在月球表面,激起灰尘,同时飞船中的仪器将会对这些灰尘颗粒进行分析。A gadget called the Moon Impactor Probe will detach and land on the moon to kick up some dust, while instruments in the craft analyze the particles, ISRO says.

在非载人太空行动之后,印度空间研究组织计划在三年内发射月船1号和2号,载人登上地球唯一的天然卫星。After the unmanned missions, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2 that ISRO plans to send in three years time, ISRO plans to send a manned mission to the Earth's only natural satellite.

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计划委员会已经批准了这个任务,唯一的障碍是中央政府要求ISRO首先设计一个可靠的火箭,然后再来要资金。The mission has been approved by the planning commission and the only clearence left is the central govt which has asked Isro to first demostrate a reliable rocket and then ask for funds.