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我给你洗澡吧,小伙子。Let me bathe you, kid.

我只是希望她洗洗澡。I just want her to bathe.

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连一颗星星也游不进去。That scarce could bathe a star.

你多久帮狗狗洗一次澡?How often do you bathe your dog?

我愿与你沐浴在海洋之底。I wanna bathe with you in the sea.

用抗真菌香波给他洗澡。Bathe him with anti-fungal shampoo.

洗冷水澡以后我发烧了。I had a fever after the cold bathe.

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女级长在哪里洗澡?Where do the female prefects bathe?

我愿与你沐浴海洋之底。I want to bathe with you in the seal.

那是悉达多以前洗澡的地方。It is where Siddhartha used to bathe.

天热时我们常在河里游泳。On hot days we often bathe in the river.

把你那起疱的手指浸在热水里吧。Bathe your blistered finger in hot water.

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晚饭后,他经常去海中泡水取凉。He used to bathe in the sea after supper.

在运动完后洗澡或淋浴。Bathe or shower after athletic activities.

记住,我从来不洗澡,我的衣装。Bear in mind that I never bathe my Westies.

晚饭后,他经常去河中泡水取凉。He used to bathe in the river after supper.

你从不洗澡。你从不照顾她。You never bathe. You never take care of her.

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我会给它喂食,给它洗澡,每天带它出去遛弯。I'll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day!

所有居民每周六晚上都要洗澡。All residents shall bathe every Saturday night.

当斯巴达被火烧的时候,你们讲沐浴在黄金里。And when Sparta burns, you shall bathe in gold.