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它们用的是声呐。It is sonar.

像蝙蝠一样的声纳追踪风速变化Bat-Like Sonar Tracks Wind Speeds

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我们主要的探测装置是声波定位仪。Our main detection device is sonar.

海军的声纳兵,雷达兵等等。Navy sonar serviceman, radar and so on.

声纳隔离那些已经排除的文件。SONAR quarantines files that are already excluded.

我们坐下来听声纳的嚓嚓嚓声。We sat listening to the chat-chat-chat of the sonar.

受到蝙蝠的启发,人们发明了声呐。Having been suggested by a bat, people invented sonar.

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原理类似于船和潜艇的声纳系统。The principles are similar to sonar used by boats and submarines.

潜艇装备有静音推动器,可以躲避声纳的探测。Submarines equipped with push mute, you can avoid sonar detection.

1997年通过声纳回声听到的最多的极像一只鲸鱼。The most he heard, from sonar echoes in 1997, was very like a whale.

该潜艇使用了一系列技术来降低自身的声纳信号。It will deploy a number of technologies to reduce its sonar signature.

声纳所使用的频率从次声到超声不等。The frequencies used in sonar systems vary from infrasonic to ultrasonic.

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同样,在水声学领域内也需要用可视化技术对声纳接收到的数据进行研究。It is necessary to study the data from sonar system in underwater acoustics.

在被动声纳系统中,线谱检测是一个至关重要的问题。A crucial issue in a passive sonar system is detection of the spectral lines.

反潜战的基础是声纳和水下声波探测技术。Anti-sub warfare is based on sonar and acoustic detection of underwater craft.

数字式声纳的多波束显示是检测目标的重要手段。Multi-beam display is an important means of target detection in digital sonar.

介绍了一种灭雷具上高分辨率图像声纳对目标成像显示的计算机可视化仿真方法。This paper introduces a visual method of the high resolution image sonar on ROV.

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这种高精度的测向算法为水下两基阵交会测距提供了保证。The algorithm makes sure of ranging underwater moving targets by two sonar array.

本文阐述了目前水下目标激光声纳探测的基本原理和发展概况。Principles and development situation of laser-based sonar detection are described.

这对潜艇规避对抗吊放声纳搜索具有实际的指导意义。It is of practical guiding significance for submarine fighting against dipped sonar.