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如我们所知,Cephalus,,we,learn,终其一生都在从事贪得无厌的艺术。Cephalus has spent his life in the acquisitive arts.

愿你在急功近利的社会里多一份淡定与从容。May you be more calm when facing the acquisitive society.

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最贪得无厌的公司往往是工程队。The most acquisitive firms tend to be engineering groups.

这些都会使系统的捕获性能降低。All these factors strongly debase the acquisitive performance.

我国的民法典草案中已经规定了取得时效制度。China's Civil Code of the draft has made the acquisitive prescription system.

最近几年我们进行了大量收购,尤其是在软件和服务领域。We've been acquisitive in recent years, especially in software and sometimes in services.

在一个贪婪的社会里,贪财是自私自利的突出表现形式。In an acquisitive society the form that selfishness predominantly takes is monetary greed.

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众所周知,圆桌另一边的中国代表们对此总抱有贪婪的欲望。Their counterparties on the other side of the table are known for their acquisitive tendencies.

我们住在一个根据物质的所有物主要地看成功的想获得的社会。We live in an acquisitive society which views success primarily in terms of material possessions.

记住不要再养成收集杂物的习惯不要贪得无厌。享受屏弃杂物后的自由吧。Remember not to fall back on old acquisitive habits. Then enjoy your newfound freedom from clutter.

那些嫉妒的对手常常指责他贪得无厌的抢走他们的生意。His jealous competitors often accuse him of being too acquisitive and of taking away their business.

在摩根大通,李小加因与大陆想进行收购的国营石油公司建立了联系而成名。At J. P. Morgan, Mr. Li has built his reputation on links to China's acquisitive state-run oil firms.

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公益征收、税收和政府收费是国有财产取得制度的重要组成部分。Public benefit collection Taxation and government charge are three styles of acquisitive system of state-owned property.

在国有财产取得制度中,存在着国家利益与个人利益之间的利益衡量问题。In acquisitive system of state-owned property, there is a balance problem between personal and state's benefit, and acquisit.

读者会发现,这些价值观念与现代社会流行的贪欲无止、自我主义迥异。And the reader will find that these values are very different from those of the wider, violently acquisitive , ego-based society.

实际上,贪得无厌的EMC公司近年来一直依靠收购活动增强其云计算能力。In fact, the acquisitive EMC has been pulling in for a few years companies that bolster its abilities to deliver on cloud computing.

并非说他们这样做是不恰当的。众所周知,圆桌另一边的中国代表们对此总抱有贪婪的欲望。It's not as though they were out of place. Their counterparties on the other side of the table are known for their acquisitive tendencies.

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如果信诚的冒险是成功的,它将是一个亚洲占主导的世界,正是新中间阶层贪得无厌的一个愿望。If the Pru’s gamble is correct, it will be an Asia-dominated world, but one based on the acquisitive aspirations of these new middle classes.

多元回归发现,争护面子倾向对捐款意愿没有预测作用,但是争护面子倾向与层级关系对捐款意愿具有交互作用。Multiple regressions find that the protective and acquisitive face orientation has an interactive effect on donation with the hierarchical relation.

人们还把夸张的竞争姿态教给学生,训练他们对好胜喜功的崇拜,以作为他们未来生涯的一种准备。An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career.