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礼服出租店。The tuxedo rental store.

我希望雕像是穿一身礼服的。I want a tuxedo on the statue.

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想象一下莱斯利穿着小礼服的样子。Try to picture Leslie in a tuxedo.

新郎则穿戴一套正式的西装或无尾晚号衣。The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo.

我要为婚礼去定作一件燕尾服。I need to get a custom-made Tuxedo for my wedding.

我第一步是拿出那件老式晚礼服里的樟脑球。My first move was to get the old tuxedo out of mothballs.

其中一个开心的家伙既穿着婚纱,又穿着燕尾服。One happy fellow wore a bridal skirt and a tuxedo jacket.

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一名头戴高帽身穿燕尾服的男士举起一只大型齧齿动物。A man dressed in a top hat and tuxedo holds up a large rodent.

在一个正式的场合中,男仕们穿著无尾晚礼服是必要的。At a formal occasion, it is necessary for men to wear a tuxedo.

照片上姚明穿着礼服,叶莉穿着露肩婚纱。Photographs showed them in a tuxedo and an off-the-shoulder gown.

买一件经典的一扣获双扣的翻领无尾晚礼服也是一项投资。Invest in a classic one- or two-button tuxedo with peak or notch lapels.

于是,他就用一件灰色细条纹的套装配上衬衫和领带。So he wore his tuxedo shirt and tie with a pinstriped charcoal-gray suit.

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新娘穿的是华裔设计师王薇薇设计的婚纱,新郎穿的是博柏利的礼服。The bride wore a dress by Vera Wang, while the groom wore a tuxedo from Burberry.

请告诉我您的无尾晚礼服需要汽烫还是手工烫?。Please tell me whether you want the tuxedo suit to be steam-pressed or hand pressed.

请柬规定要着正装,于是我穿上了燕尾服。The invitation specified that the dress code would be formal, so I donned my tuxedo.

爸爸的礼服衣料摸上去粗粗的,我可以闻到他的古龙水。The fabric on his tuxedo jacket was rough under my hands, and I could smell his cologne.

新郎可以穿日常服装,也可穿无尾礼服,视婚礼的庄重程度而定。The groom may wear a business suit or a tuxedo 5 depending on how formal the wedding is.

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海原山改变了他的礼服,成为羊毛衫和老破旧的牛仔裤。Kaihara-san had changed out of his tuxedo and into a cardigan and an old beat-up pair of jeans.

穿着白色礼服的塞萨尔头发上打了啫喱,脸刮得干干净净,看上去好像在发抖。Cesar, his hair gelled, his face freshly shaven, looked like he was shaking in his white tuxedo.

同时,他普及了紧身裤、吊带裙、制服装、高邦靴以及无尾的夜礼服。He also popularized tight pants, the trapeze dress, smocks, thigh-high boots and tuxedo jackets.