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约有20人因滋事被捕。About 20 were arrested for affray.

我对那场大争吵是有责任的。I was responsible for creating a huge affray.

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在刑事司法和审判实践中,聚众斗殴罪是颇具争议的热点问题之一。The crime of affray is hard to define in the process of trial.

聚众斗殴罪是一种常见的、多发性的犯罪。The Crime of Affray is a common and frequently occurring crime.

聚众斗殴罪只能由直接故意构成。The crime of affray can only be constituted with direct intention.

在肯塔基州山区发生了有趣的枪战。An interesting shooting affray was on in the mountains of Kentucky.

甚至为了抢渠道,包括打架斗殴的情况都有。Even to grab channel, include to fight the circumstance of affray has.

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他和珍的成功导致他和约翰间的口角。His success with Jane had resulted in the affray between him and John.

他们因殴斗滋事被判决为社区义务服务。They were convicted of affray and received community service sentences.

聚众斗殴罪的主体是首要分子和积极参加者。The subject who may commit the affray Crime is ringleader and active participant.

此案中其他几名“打手”也分别因犯聚众斗殴罪被判刑。The case in several other "thugs" were also found guilty of affray and was sentenced.

行为人是否具有流氓动机不应当是聚众斗殴罪的成立要件。Whether the actor has rogue motivation should not be an essential factor of Affray Crime.

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寻衅滋事罪在刑法分则中被分在“危害社会管理秩序罪”中。The crime of affray belongs to the section of crimes of endangering the order of social system.

聚众犯罪转化犯是司法实践中较为疑难的问题之一。Crime is guilty of affray transforming the judicial practice of one of the issues more difficult.

聚众斗殴罪在犯罪构成上为基本构成与加重构成相结合的犯罪构成模式。The legislature uses the model of basic elements and aggravated elements to stipulate the crime of affray.

贝尼特斯今天承认自己在得知杰拉德于利物浦皇冠法庭上被判无罪后松了一口气。Rafa Benitez today admitted he was 'really pleased' after Steven Gerrard was found not guilty of affray at Liverpool Crown Court.

一次偶然中,两个学生的斗殴吸引了索尼娅的注意,在争斗之中,一支手枪出现在了众人的视线中。Accidental in, the affray of two students drew Suoniya's attention, in combat, a handgun appears in the line of sight of everybody.

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根据刑法规定,在聚众斗殴致人重伤、死亡的情况下,按照故意伤害罪、故意杀人罪处理。According to Chinese criminal law, when an affray results in serious injury or death, it is to be treated as intentional injury or murder.

聚众斗殴罪是司法实践中较常见的一种犯罪行为,脱胎于1979年刑法中的流氓罪。Crime of affray resolved from the crime of hooligan in criminal law since 1979, it was one of more common criminal acts in judicial practice.

聚众斗殴罪从1979年刑法中的流氓罪分解而来,是扰乱公共秩序罪的典型犯罪之一。The crime of affray resolved from the crime of hooligan in criminal law since 1979, it was the model of the crime of disrupting public order.