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那时我在一个温泉浴场。I was just in a spa.

你好,这是温泉疗养地吗?Hello, is that the spa?

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去泡温泉怎么样?How about you going to a spa?

在斯帕,转向齿条坏了。In Spa the steering rack broke.

为什么你们不在温泉里放松一下呢?Why don't you relax in the spa?

度假、温泉还是蓝天、海韵?Spa? or Blue sky and sea breeze?

呃,这是我第一次泡温泉。This is my first time at the Spa.

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还有牛奶浴、巧克力浴等等。And the milk spa and chocolate spa.

她较喜欢新水疗池的环境。She prefers the ambience at Spa House.

去做做推拿或者泡泡温泉,犒劳一下自己。Treat yourself to a massage or spa day.

“我叫它‘纱之温泉’”巴贝拉解释道。"I call it a spa for yarn, " explains Mr.

这个会议中心提供减肥温泉疗养池。The conference center offers a health spa.

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来看礁溪老爷大酒店的温泉鱼吃脚脚!See Hotel Royal Chao Hsi Spa Fish eat feet!

英国的巴思是欧洲著名的矿泉疗养地。Bath in Britain is Eruope's famous spa town.

盖文和桑雅要一起到水疗中心待上一天。Gavin and Sonya are spending a day at a spa.

我们得去狗狗温泉洗浴中心,记得吗?。We have to get to the doggie spa , remember?

丝源赋活组合头皮头发按摩霜。Head & Shoulders. Hair & Scalp Hair Spa Cream.

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你怎么看印度力量在斯帕的速度?Como você avalia o ritmo da Force India em Spa?

泛亚洲水疗中心和餐厅承诺寺样的和平。Pan-Asia spa and dining promise temple-like peace.

7月5日至布鲁塞尔和温泉珀洛东游乐设施。The peloton rides July 5 between Brussels and Spa.