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你可以把他们想象成挥舞着警棍的咪表女郎或者卫生巡视员。Think of them as thuggish meter maids or health inspectors with batons.

不可避免地,这些活动导致了与卡德罗夫,这位车臣“暗杀沙皇”的正面交锋。Inevitably, this led to confrontation with Kadyrov, Chechnya's thuggish tsar.

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通常情况下,这些方针的潜台词是支持当权者,无论他们是多凶暴、多么不得民心的当权者。Usually this has meant supporting whoever is in power no matter how thuggish or unpopular.

马尔科姆在公共场合露面都是被联邦调查局和警察层层保护,因为他当时被“伊斯兰民族”组织下的“伊斯兰果实”凶残的“枪管队”追杀。I. and the police, Malcolm was now being pursued by the Nation, with its thuggish “pipe squads,” the Fruit of Islam.

对于社会暴力,由于巴西警方的野蛮,死亡人数增多,这使得别处的准军事力量相比之下还算是和气。As for violence, the death tallies notched up by Brazil’s thuggish police force can make paramilitary groups elsewhere look almost benign.

他们杀手似的纽约州长候选人带着一根棒球棒大摇大摆转悠,威胁记者和任何让他恼怒的人。Their thuggish candidate for New York governor swaggered around with a baseball bat and threatened reporters and anyone else who annoyed him.

几周前,西方对中国的看法以暴徒似的火炬卫士、过敏的民族主义和压制性的政府为主导。Just a few weeks ago, the west's view of china was dominated by thuggish torch guards, hypersensitive nationalists and a repressive government.

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马尔科姆在公共场合露面都是被联邦调查局和警察层层保护,因为他当时被“伊斯兰民族”组织下的“伊斯兰果实”凶残的“枪管队”追杀。Followed all his public life by the F.B.I. and the police, Malcolm was now being pursued by the Nation, with its thuggish “pipe squads,” the Fruit of Islam.

然而它已经给对印度同志的普遍歧视开了绿灯,特别是方便了印度惯于施暴的警察恐吓和勒索同志。Yet it has given license to widespread discrimination against gay Indians, in particular encouraging the country’s thuggish policemen to terrorise and blackmail gay men.

尽管衣着原始,行为凶蛮,亚维德却是个狡猾的战地指挥官,他年轻时受过军事教育,懂得制订战略。Despite his primitive dress and thuggish demeanor, Yavid was actually an astute field comm ander, drawing on strategies he had learned in his military studies as a youth.

淤青色,金属色棉絮般的乌云或浓烟般的雪云,直到它们消散,蓝天般的蓝色或银河般的黑色便开始出现。Bruise-colored, steel-colored, quilted with thuggish thunder clouds or smothering snow clouds-till it lets go for a while, showing the sunny blue or galactic black beyond.

起先是瘀紫、冷青的颜色的云,暴风雪和雷鸣的云朵暗藏杀机隐觅其间,直到云开雾散,蓝天、阳光、远处的黝黑才又显现出来。Bruise-colored, steel-colored, quilted with thuggish thunder clouds or smothering snow clouds?till it lets go for a while, showing the sunny blue or galactic black beyond.

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但是你含蓄表示站在一党专政的残暴领导人一边,而非古老民主国家经过合法选举出的总统一边也是相当有意思的一件事。But interesting that you implicitly side with the thuggish leaders of a brutal one-party dictatorship over the legitimately elected president of the world's oldest democracy.

关于取消对乌兹别克斯坦的制裁,许多国家疑虑重重,而德国之所以无视他们的疑虑,是由于这个残暴的专制国家愿意提供基地,为阿富汗的德国部队提供补给。And Germany bulldozed aside the queasiness of many countries about lifting sanctions on Uzbekistan, a thuggish autocracy that provides bases to supply German troops in Afghanistan.

盲人法律维权人士陈光诚去年9月出狱后一直被软禁在家中,中国政府是否有为暴力对待他而付出代价?Is the Chinese government paying any price for the thuggish treatment of the blind legal activist Chen Guangcheng, imprisoned at his home since he was released from prison last September?

历史上,跌宕起伏的接班大戏曾多次上演。1945年,亨利·福特二世首次拉开了大幕。当时,他从神智恍惚的祖父和居心叵测的手下哈里·班尼特手里夺得了公司的控制大权。There have been any number of dramatic transitions, beginning in 1945 when Henry Ford II wrested control of the company from his confused grandfather and his thuggish underling Harry Bennett.

这对于各阵营的反欧盟和反移民组织来说都将收获颇丰,包括英国独立党内尖刻的本土主义者,以及希腊金色黎明党内蛮横的新纳粹分子。There will be big gains for anti-EU and anti-immigrant parties of all colours—from the sharp-tongued nativists of the UK Independence Party to the thuggish neo-Nazis of Golden Dawn in Greece.