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所以我也去看了So I did.

我照做了。I did that.

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诺拉做到了。Nora did it.

于是他这么做了。So he did it.

因为我做了。Because I did.

他做了。快客杀手。But he did it.

他们这样做了。This they did.

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你做得很棒。You did great.

于是,她做到了。And so she did.

但日本并未做到。But it did not.

但是她做到了。But she did it.

我们的确这样做了。And we did this.

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我曾经怪罪过他吗?Did I blame him?

他从不爽约。He did not obey.

他确实说过此话。He did say that.

我是怎么做到的呢?How did I do it?

你是怎么知道的?How did youknow?

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为什么我会做出这种事?Why did I do it?

但是他从来没有。But he never did.

我的衬裙露出来了吗?Did my slip show?