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为什么用塘泥?Why do they use pond sludge?

供试污泥呈酸性。The tested sewage sludge is acid.

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即使是在60,000公里的换油期下,烟灰和油泥的含量也很低。Low levels of soot and sludge even at 60,000km.

从活性污泥中分离出了热带假丝酵母。Candida tropicalis was isolated from activated sludge.

污泥水回流到二级处理系统。Sludge liquor is recirculated in the secondary system.

从河底中挖出了许多淤泥。A lot of sludge was scooped out of the base of the river.

供应及安装净化污泥出路水闸阀门。Supply and install clarifier sludge outlet sluice valves.

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沉积物和磨粒在形成时就由机油过滤掉。Sludge ad abrasives are removed with the oil when drained.

而且一旦这些淤泥干燥后,铅的危害性将会更大。Once the sludge dries, the lead may be even more dangerous.

负面言论可能是卑鄙的闲言碎语,也可能是友好的打趣。Sludge can be mean-spirited gossip or even friendly banter.

预处理池也可以用于储存二级污泥。A pretreatment tank can also serve to store secondary sludge.

将滤出的废物制成泥饼的压滤机。Filter press for converting treatment waste into sludge cakes.

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向活性污泥曝气池中投放微型动物。Thirdly, some kinds of microfauna should be added into sludge.

从而防止发动机中形成油泥,使您的汽车发动机处于良好状态。This prevents sludge build up and condition your car′s engine.

当局称需要花费一年的时间来清理这些有毒淤泥。Authorities say the sludge itself will take a year to clean up.

稀土盐是焦化废水活性污泥一特殊激活剂。The rare-earth salt is a special activator of activated sludge.

更好的积碳、油泥抑制能力,时刻保持发动机清洁如新。Better coke, sludge inhibition and keep the engine clean as new.

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化学废品蓄水池破裂后红泥泄漏出来。The sludge escaped when a chemical waste reservoir was breached.

经过一段时间的驯化培养,反应器污泥可以降解双酚A。After acclimation, the BPA was degraded by the sludge in the MBR.

污泥是污水处理系统产生的副产物。Sewage sludge is a by-product of the wastewater-treatment system.