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我们将会埋葬你。We will bury you.

但我不会把它们掩埋起来”。But I did not bury it.

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他可以把钱埋进一个坑里。He could bury it in a hole.

他们会葬在加拿大Do they bury them in Canada?

他们把幸存者埋在了加拿大?Do they bury them in Canada?

只要你敢死,我就敢埋。If you dare, I dare to bury.

我们能将其埋葬于视野之外。We can bury it out of sight.

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他们把幸存者埋在了美国?Do they bury them in America?

盛载尸体以备埋葬的箱匣。A casket for the body to bury.

愿葬吾心于伤膝谷地!Bury my Heart at wounded knee!

挖一个坑把垃圾埋掉。Dig a pit and bury the garbage.

我准备挖个洞,把他们埋起来。I will dig a hole, and bury it.

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让我穿上红色的寿衣,埋葬我!Bury me, in such a shroud of red!

这场寒雪又一次将它埋葬。Harbin again this will bury them.

他们该把幸存者埋在哪儿呢Where do they bury the survivors?

我不会下埋葬自己杂费。I won't bury myself under incidentals.

好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,成为朋友。Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.

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他们总是埋得这样深吗?Do they always bury it as deep as this?

贪心甚至最终将埋葬好运。Greed will bury even the lucky eventually.

以色列众人必为他哀哭,将他葬埋。All Israel will mourn for him and bury him.