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我们将看到一个比在帕多瓦更加出色的米兰。We'll see a better Milan than the one at Padova.

而维罗纳,维琴察,比萨和帕多瓦都对这名现年19岁的球员感兴趣。The 19 year-old is courting interest from Verona, Vicenza, Pisa and Padova.

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他开始他的成年足球事业在一支名为Reggiolo的球队,这之前他也在帕多瓦短暂停留。He began his senior career with a spell at Reggiolo, before a short spell at Padova.

因此,你将有可能看见一支比在帕多瓦表现更为出色的米兰。Therefore, there is a possibility that you will see an even better Milan than in Padova.

2000年,参加“意大利PADOVA中国当代绘画展”和“意大利PADOVA国际艺术博览会”。In 2000, his artworks were showed in "the Chinese contemporary artwork exhibition in PADOVA of Italian ".

但来自意大利帕多瓦大学的科学家认为,文博尼亚马之地是陨石撞击形成的。However, Italian scientists from the University of Padova believe that the Wembo-Nyama feature is an impact crater.

这名前帕多瓦新星在加盟都灵巨人后的职业生涯中遇到了无数强劲的对手,但有一个人却最让他难以忘怀。The former Padova youngster has come up against some tough opponents down the years, but he misses one in particular.

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紧密的赛事中容不得半点放松,就在与拉齐奥比赛后的三天,米兰将前往帕多瓦与新升级的特雷维索进行较量。There is no let-up in the games and three days after facing Lazio, Milan are off to Padova to play newly-promoted Treviso.

帕多瓦大学的科学家告诉BBC新闻台的记者,图像显示的排水模式是在热带地区典型陨石坑的排水模式。The drainage pattern exhibited in this image is typical of craters in tropical regions, the University of Padova scientists told BBC News.

凭借安德烈。舍甫琴科和阿尔贝托。吉拉迪诺的两粒进球,米兰在帕多瓦2-0击败特雷维索,重新回到了胜利的道路上。Milan were back to winning ways on the road thanks to goals from Andriy Shevchenko and Alberto Gilardino in the 2-0 victory against Treviso in Padova.