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第四部分介绍了既判力和一事不再理。The forth part introduces the res judicata and principle of non bis idem.

我认为你的评论不公平,我要求立即道歉。Your allegations are completely untrue, and Idem and an immediate apology.

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比较而言,一事不再理原则更符合我国的实际。The principle of non bis in idem are more in accord with the reality of China.

第二部分主要研究了一事不再理制度和诉讼标的理论之间的关系。The second chapter is mainly on the relationship between NON BIS IN IDEM and Purpose Theory.

一事不再理原则通过限制国家刑事追诉权更好地保障诉讼参加人特别是被追诉人的权利。Non bis in idem is a rational principle, being in conformity to the laws of criminal justice.

第三部分主要研究了一事不再理制度和既判力之间的关系。The third chapter focuses on the relationship between NON BIS IN IDEM and Adjudged force of effective judgment.

“一事不二审”原则是国际法上的重要原则,该原则在国际司法的各个领域都得到了长足的发展。Ne bis in idem is an important principle of international law, which has greatly developed throughout international justice.

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大陆法系中的“一事不再理”原则与英美法系中的“禁止双重危险”原则既有共通之处,也有差异,联合国文件确立的“一事不再理”原则是二者的折中性表述。The principle of non bis in idem appears in the papers of the United Nations is a compromise of the continental law and the common law.

在我国刑事诉讼法制现代化的过程中,有必要接受一事不再理原则并根据该原则的要求对相关刑事诉讼制度进行改革。Non bis in idem principle should find its position in Chinese criminal procedure during the period of modernization of criminal justice in China.

IDEM是由一群不断进取的年轻专业设计师组成的时尚咨询公司,为客户提供趋势性的设计方案。Idem is a fashion consulting company formed by a young team of passional designers in continuous development to always offer an innovative trend of design.

“乡下人”是沈从文在叙事中建构起来的身份认同,是其“固定认同”和“叙述认同”的整合体。"Country Folk" is a kind of identity , the integration of idem identity and narrative identity , which is constructed by Shen Congwen in his narrative works.

一事不再理原则起源于古罗马法,现已成为大陆法系和英美法系国家刑事司法体系中的一项基本原则。Non Bis Idem which originated from the Roman Law, has been considered a cornerstone of modern criminal justice administration in the civil law and the common law.

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我国现行刑事诉讼制度没有确立一事不再理原则,并且现行刑事诉讼法的有关规定同该原则存在着某些冲突。Non bis in idem principle has not been contained in the criminal procedure law of China, however some stipulations in Chinese laws are in conflict with this principle.

本文从一事不再理的理论冲突入手,通过介绍该原则的起源,明确其具体含义和法律基础。This article is begun at the confliction of the theory of non bis in idem. Through introducing the principle of origin, and then identify the specific meaning and legal basis.

国家的刑事追诉权必须有限行使,一事不再理原则不能仅仅是刑事审判的原则,它应是刑事诉讼的原则。Criminal prosecution by the state must be exercised within limits, and ne bis in idem principle is not merely the principle of criminal trial, but the criminal procedure principle.

渊源于古罗马的一事不再理原则,被近现代多数民主法治国家确立为刑事诉讼的基本原则。The principle of "Ne Bis In Idem " which originated in Ancient Roman is established as the basic principle of criminal lawsuit by most modern democratic countries under the rule of law.

与大陆法系国家和英美法系国家实行一事不再理或禁止双重危险原则不同,中国的刑事司法中奉行有错必纠原则。Unlike countries of civil and common law systems, which follow the principles of non bis in idem and prohibition of double jeopardy, China implements the principle that all wrongs must corrected.