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它们的名称本身就颇具解释性。Their names are fairly self explanatory.

让他们简单、直接,并具备解释性。Make them simple, direct, and explanatory.

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详尽的线路导游图文字说明。Exhaustive circuit tourist map explanatory note.

这儿使用的大部分元素是其意自明的。Most of the elements used here are self- explanatory.

文件后面附加两项说明。The document has two explanatory notes attached to it.

本人已阅读并理解以上的收生规则。I have read and understand the above explanatory notes.

半现代理论有广泛和极强的解释力。Semi-modem theory has broad and strong explanatory power.

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半现代理论有广泛和极强的解释力。Semi-modern theory has broad and strong explanatory power.

在大部分情况下,被调用的方法是自解释的。For the most part, the invoked methods are self explanatory.

通过使用解释邮件的问候页面进行下一步。Take the next step with an explanatory email etiquette page.

解释力仅仅是一个理论是否富有成效的检验标准之一。Explanatory power is only one test of a theory’s fruitfulness.

这一理论的完美框架和强大的现实解释力引人瞩目。This theory has a perfect framework and strong explanatory power.

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此外,关联理论对翻译有着强大的解释力。Moreover, Relevance Theory has great explanatory powers in translation.

这样注解比较切近作者原意。This explanatory note seems to be closer to what is ment by the author.

百科全书条目释文是一种权威性辞书的说明文字,其语言朴实、洁、谨。The explanatory article in encyclopaedia is a kind of expository writing.

司法解释权威是树立司法权威的核心环节。Judicial explanatory authority is the key to establish judicial authority.

要说明下。这里我提了飞刀这技能相当重要。To the explanatory notes. Flying here, I raised this very important skill.

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由于缺乏现场证据,因此出现了各种假设性解释。The dearth of evidence on-site gave rise to various explanatory hypotheses.

“明戈特家,”莱特布赖微笑着点了点头解释说。"The Mingott family, " said Mr. Letterblair with an explanatory smile and bow.

前述事实,契约缘起资料中的准备性或解释性陈述或事实,如在契约中的陈述或事实。The preliminary or explanatory statements or facts of a document, as in a deed.