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之后它就有了动能。Then it has kinetic energy.

动能是守恒的。Kinetic energy is conserved.

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动能将会增加。Kinetic energy will increase.

摩擦力可以转移动能。Friction can remove kinetic energy.

摩擦力一定抵消动能。Friction must take kinetic energy out.

热学,动力学理论,和热动力学。Heat, Kinetic Theory, and Thermodynamics.

这是频率和动能。So, that was frequency with kinetic energy.

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动能定然增加了。Well, kinetic energy has clearly increased.

这些联盟的平衡是动态的。The balance of these federations is kinetic.

探讨了动力学过程的再现性。A producibility of kinetic process was investigated.

我们知道在生活中,摩擦力抵消动能。We know in life that friction takes kinetic energy out.

更糟糕的是原子的运动能量也增加了。Worse is that the atoms' kinetic energy also increases.

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也就是提高助跑速度,获得更大的动能。That is, to improve run-up speed, greater kinetic energy.

失去了动能-,我们见每个例子中都有。You lose kinetic energy-- we saw it in every single case.

总功指的是势能,和动能的总和。That means the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy.

KERS是动能回收系统的缩写。The acronym KERS stands for Kinetic Energy Recovery System.

甘油激酶基本动力学性质研究。The kinetic property of glycerol kinase from debaryomyces sp.

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模拟得到的结果很好的描述了动态再结晶动力学规律。The simulation results described the kinetic rule of DRX well.

把它放在你的两个手掌中心并搓动它,让它得到旋转上升用的动能。Rub it between your palms to get some kinetic energy stored up.

我们还可以对观测到的,其它动能进行同样的操作。We can do the same thing for the other observed kinetic energy.