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爸爸把听筒递给我。Dad handed the receiver to me.

窝家跟贼一样坏。The receiver is as bad as the thief.

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LVDS四接收机。铅完成金。LVDS quad receiver. Lead finish gold.

吴荪甫放下电话听筒,微笑着。He replaced the receiver with a smile.

吸热器是热动力发电系统关键部件之一。The heat receiver is a key part of SDPS.

他把听筒猛力往支架上放下。He jammed the receiver down on the cradle.

四接收机。完成铅厂的选择。Quad receiver. Lead finish factory option.

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收信机出现频率漂移。The receiver has occurred frequency shift.

机身-装入接收机、电源。Fuselage---Install the receiver and pow er.

打完电话后,请把听筒放回原位。Please put the receiver back after calling.

按破产事务官的命令将工厂出售。The factory is sold by order of the receiver.

发送方通道和接收方通道成对地起作用。The sender and receiver channels act in pairs.

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票据接收员特雷尔欧文斯家里装了一个。Bills receiver Terrell Owens keeps one at home.

蒸汽从曲颈瓶里出来通入容器。Vapors pass over from a retort into a receiver.

通常施比受获益更多。It can benefit the giver more than the receiver.

电视接收器是一种电子装置。The television receiver is an electronic device.

诺布尔温尼有一台非常好的全波段收音机。Noble winney owned a very good all-band receiver.

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其次,授权能让接受者学习和成长。Second, it must help the receiver learn and grow.

谄媚同时腐蚀接受者和给予者。Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver.

宽带化压电陶瓷受话器的设计。Design of broadband piezoelectric ceramic receiver.