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我们可以谈谈女士灯笼裤吗?Can we talk about ladies bloomers?

谁穿着灯笼裤爬山?Who Climbs a Mountain in Bloomers?

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很多伟人都是大器晚成型的。Many great men were late bloomers in life.

您是竞标的灯笼裤和头带只。You are bidding on the bloomers and headband only.

她们绝对不能穿灯笼裤,更不应该去钓鱼。They certainly did not wear bloomers and go fishing.

可能在青春期,你属于那迟开的花朵,某些行星的形成也如此。In planet formation, as in adolescence, you've got your late bloomers.

夜晚开花的植物则会勾来飞蛾、蟋蟀、螽斯和小型哺乳动物。night bloomers are visited by moths, crickets, katydids, and small mammals.

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这1.2万件藏品中的其中一部分目前正在展出,不过维多利亚女王的灯笼裤不在其中。Some of the 12, 000 items — though not Victoria's bloomers — are on display.

穿着长度微短的灯笼裤能显得很活泼。Wearing bloomers which are generally shorter in length will achieve an active style.

英国维多利亚女王曾走过的一套灯笼裤今天又回到了王宫。A set of roomy bloomers that once belonged to Queen Victoria are back in royal drawers.

英国维多利亚女王曾穿过的一套灯笼裤如今又回到了王宫。A set of roomy bloomers that once belonged to Queen Victoria are back in royal drawers.

对当时不想穿着裙子的大胆女性来说,松垮的灯笼裤象征着自由。For daring women who didn't want to wear skirts back then, blousy bloomers symbolized freedom.

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从早春、中春和晚春开花的水仙花中各选一些,就有一个长期的开花顺序。Select some from each of the early, mid and late spring bloomers for a long sequence of bloom.

城市中的教育系统给学生施加了很大的压力,没有给稍加愚钝的孩子留下希望。The city's education system pushed students hard and doesn't leave any scope for late bloomers.

那位穿着灯笼裤的美人儿可不正经,正让情夫抚摩她那痒处呢。Belle in her bloomers misconducting herself and her fancy man feeling for her tickles and norman w.

所以,挑选几盆花朵繁密,花期长久的盆栽放在室内,最好放在你呆得最久的地方。Select a few longlasting and plentiful bloomers and put them in places where you spend the most time.

虽然辣妈穿的很显身材,但估计谁都会看着那团穿着粉色小裙子和灯笼裤的小家伙会心微笑。Hayek wore a shape- flaunting Pucci while her little one played in a pink jumper with matching bloomers.

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我们打篮球的时候,我们在外面打,女孩们穿着裙子和灯笼裤,而且相处融洽。When we played basketball, we played outside, and the girls wore skirts and bloomers , and got along fine.

男女巫师身着邋遢的麻瓜衣服,在泥泞的路上尖叫着飞奔,他们的灯笼裤在晾衣绳上翻飞着,旗子在风中燃烧。Muggle clothing run screaming down muddied paths, their bloomers flapping on clotheslines while their flags burn in the wind.

在时尚博客上,灯笼裤被比做是“土豆口袋”、“松垮的尿布”或是“缠在两腿间的桌布”。On fashion blogs, the bloomers are being likened to 'a potato bag,' a 'saggy diaper' and 'a tablecloth knotted between the legs.'