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生物学是对生物的研究。Plankton and nekton are pelagic organisms.

浮游生物和自游生物都是海面的生物。Plankton and nekton are pelagic organisms.

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一只海豹躲在浮游生物的幕面。A sea leopard behind a curtain of plankton.

可见浮游生物是非常很快死亡。So we know this plankton is very dange rous.

鲸鱼用?们栉齿状的牙齿来捉浮游生物。Whales use their pectinate teeth to gather plankton.

鲸鱼用牠们栉齿状的牙齿来捉浮游生物。Whales use their pectinate teeth to gather plankton.

定鞭藻类通常存在于海洋和淡水浮游生物中。Haptomonads are common in marine plankton and freshwater.

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在海底的浮游生物必须被保护起来以免遭氧化作用。The dead plankton on the bottom must be preserved from oxidation.

被浸没在海水中以后,浮游生物会被困在网筛之间。When it's dipped into the sea, plankton are trapped between them.

霍乱的病原体霍乱弧菌可以在一些浮游生物体内生存。The cholera bacteria Vibrio cholerae can live on some species of plankton.

磷虾游弋其中,后面跟着一大群鲱鱼。Krill swam with the plankton , a school of young menhaden swam after the krill.

这是海洋磷光,是浮游生物与水相互作用造成的。This is phosphorescence of the sea, caused by plankton interacting in the water.

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在书里,有着许多海洋动物的彩色照片,从浮游生物到小丑鱼乃至逆戟鲸。It has large color photographs of sea animals, from plankton to clownfish to orcas.

巨型蛤蚌的虹吸管是被用来以过吸水的方式过滤并吸食经过的浮游生物。A giant clam's siphon is used to draw in water to filter and consume passing plankton.

浮游生物沉入洋底,成为螃蟹、哈蜊和其他海洋生物的食物。The plankton sink to the ocean floor, becoming food for crabs, clams and other sea life.

这里的海域有丰富的浮游生物和鱼,座头鲸可以获得充分的食物。The sea here is particularly rich, and the plankton eating humpbacks sieve out some food.

首先,漂浮的油膜可能杀死浮游生物从而切断“煎饼蝙蝠鱼”的食物来源。For one, floating slicks of oil may be killing the pancake batfishes' plankton food supply.

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石油污染可由浮游生物经食物链对其它海洋生物产生的影响。The imperilment of oil pollution on plankton will pass to other halobios through food chain.

它们中的大多数生活在海洋中,手臂上铺盖着蛰刺细胞,以浮游生物为食。Most of them live in the sea and have arms covered with stinging cells. They feed on plankton.

同时讨论了越冬鱼池冰下浮游生物的种类组成和生物量特点。Property of the plankton species composition and biomass in the wintering ponds are discussed.