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政治家们也流露出他们的心声。Politicians added their voice to the outpouring.

士丹利在这个发明流露流。Stanley is in this stream of inventive outpouring.

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从眼睛流露出来的爱情比较不容易造假!The eyes are less likely to fake the outpouring of love!

那些雪片一样飞来的卡片和邮件真的给了他很大的支持。The outpouring of cards and emails really sustained him.

好友洋溢著关怀,令我窝心?釴。I am warmed by the outpouring of concern from good friends.

这种文化衍生出了史无空前的大量的原创作品。The result has been an unprecedented outpouring of creative works.

一些人还提防着对这名歌手的死后人们感情的过分流露。Others were wary of the outpouring of emotion at the singer's death.

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保持开放的流露和在爱浇筑你的光。Keep it open with the outpouring and in-pouring of your light of love.

那倾泻而至的爱心鼓励和力量令人肃然起敬由衷惊叹。We were awe-struck by this outpouring of love, inspiration, and energy.

当笔尖划过纸张,你的真情实感也会流露其中。Your true feelings will be outpouring on it when you doodled at a paper.

互联网大量的免费信息已经把我们给惯坏了。The Internet has spoiled us with a lavish outpouring of free information.

但凡她的名字或照片出现在网上,都会招来铺天盖地的谩骂。Whenever her name or image appears online, it provokes an outpouring of invectives.

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我们看到了真情流露,在父亲去世后的这个星期。We have seen an astonishing outpouring of emotion on the passing of my father this week.

他的愤怒形成了一股如世界末日洪水般的渲泄,这是电影史上少有的。His anger builds to an apocalyptic outpouring with few parallels in the history of cinema.

联合国的另一项当务之急是协调大量涌来的国际支援。The other U.N. priority is to coordinate the large outpouring of international assistance.

在那儿被民兵围困了10日后,柏戈因最终缴械投降。There, surrounded by a belated outpouring of militia, Burgoyne surrendered ten days later.

乔布斯去世后,世界领导人和大批崇拜者立即表示吊慰。His death was met with an immediate outpouring of condolences by world leaders and fans alike.

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人们对史蒂芬•乔布斯铺天盖地的溢美之词就是一个明证,说明伟大的企业家仍然备受推崇。As evidenced by the positive outpouring for Steve Jobs, great entrepreneurs are still celebrated.

女人家十有八九都是心里有一分爱,表面上就流露两分。Woman are in all likelihood there is a love heart, on the surface of two points on the outpouring.

早在中央委员专心致志于典型的秘密会议前这种流露就开始了。This outpouring began even before the central committee wrapped up its typically secretive meeting.