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甚至他的名字都是假的。Even his name was an alias.

用你的化名或昵称。Use your alias or nickname.

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提供一个数据库名和别名。Supply a database name and alias.

别名不能解除参考。The alias cannot BE dereferenced.

别名通常只是单纯的缩写。Most often, an alias abbreviates literals.

必须使用单引号确定每个别名的界限。Single quotation marks must delimit each alias.

指定用户标识符和密码的别名。Specify the alias name for userid and password.

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大部分情况下别名是留空的。The Alias name should be left blank in most cases.

空的交换器名称等于。The empty exchange name is an alias for

其中的竖线表明后面是该表单的别名。The vertical bar indicates the alias name for the form.

重新输入别名并省略不正确字符。Re-enter the alias name, omitting the incorrect character.

别名从您键入的内容展开为其展开形式。The alias is expanded from what you type to its expansion.

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沉原来的名字是与薛呼桉薛且嗯她别名。Shen's original name was Xue Jun with Xue Huan as her alias.

要么丹·汉弗瑞是个化名,要么是你儿子丹不太受欢迎。Either "Dan humphrey" is an alias Or your son is not very popular.

中药急性子别名又叫什么?What does pepperbox alias call Chinese traditional medicine again?

现在,新的别名出现在了命令的自动完成列表中。The new alias now appears in the auto-completion list for commands.

对指针别名及其表示方式进行了阐述。A framework for interprocedural pointer alias analysis is described.

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米克·克拉克,又名锡德·布朗,被警方通缉审问。Mick Clark, alias Sid Brown, is wanted for questioning by the police.

别名是一个简短的序列,您可以使用它来代替一个较长的命令。An alias is a short sequence that you use instead of a longer command.

创建到网桥队列的远程队列定义并添加别名。Create a remote queue definition to the bridge queue and add an alias.