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巴赫喜欢这个Bach would like that.

是巴赫还是贝多芬?Is it Bach or is it Beethoven?

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我要给你演奏巴赫的一首赋格曲。I'm going to play you a Bach fugue.

这首歌曲常被说成是巴赫做的。This song is often ascribed to Bach.

巴赫是我的精神,巴捷是我的女神。Bach is my consciousness, Bjork is my goddess.

巴赫属于客观型艺术家。Bach belongs to the order of objective artists.

他最喜爱莫扎特和马赫的音乐。He loved the music of Mozart and Bach the most.

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巴赫于1721年与魏亚蜜结婚,于1750年去世。Bach married Anna Magdalena in 1721. He died in 1750.

像帕勒斯提纳和巴赫的作曲家就属于这一类。Men like Palestrina and Bach belong in this category.

巴赫要求你能够一只手弹奏颤音,而不依靠另一只手。Bach wants you to trill one hand independently of the other.

这一时期的种种进展在巴赫和亨德尔时达到了顶峰。These developments culm in ated in the works of J. Bach and G.

90岁高龄的大提琴演奏家帕布罗·卡萨尔仍然以演奏巴赫的曲子作为一天的序曲。At 90, cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach.

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大提琴家卡萨尔斯将开始打巴赫的一天。At 90, cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach.

巴赫说她当场指出了收银员的这个失误,并接受了退款。Bach says she pointed out the cashier's error and accepted a refund.

这一时期的种种进展在巴赫和亨德尔时达到了顶峰。These developments culminated in the works of J. Bach and G. Handel.

我记得我听过马友友拉的巴赫大提琴与键盘奏鸣曲。I remember hearing Yo-Yo Ma play the Bach sonatas for cello and keyboard.

我喜欢巴赫和贝多芬,不喜欢这些现代的喧嚣的作曲家。G give me Bach and Beethoven, not these modern crash-bang-tinkle composers.

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约翰•赛巴斯蒂安•巴赫家族中,至少有52位音乐家。There were at least fifty-two musicians in the family of Johann Sebastian Bach.

我能弹奏勃拉姆斯和贝多芬的曲子,还有一堆巴赫和巴托和的曲子。I can play everything Brahms or Beethoven wrote plus an abundance of Bach & Bartok.

科普根据现有的音乐建立了庞大的数据库,最开始的时候,数据库包含了几百部巴赫的作品。Cope built a huge database of existing music. He began with hundreds of works by Bach.