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从而建立了永生化的人骨髓间充质干细胞。Thereby establishing the immortalization of human mesenchymal stem cells.

实验二,探讨了水牛乳腺上皮细胞永生化的方法。The method of swamp buffalo mammary epithelial cells immortalization was also studied.

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达到永生,需要一个分为两步的过程,这充满了挑战。Kobayashi. "Achieving immortalization , a two-stage process, is not without challenges."

结论HPV16E7在HPV16诱导的口腔上皮细胞永生化过程中起了重要作用。Conclusions HPV16E7 plays an important role in the immortalization of oral epithelial cells induced by HPV16.

目的探讨SV40如何介导细胞永生化,与细胞永生化现象相关的因素及它们的作用。Objective To explore the SV40-mediated immortalization, the related factors and their roles in cell immortalization.

有趣的是,用不同的方法可以显著减少COX-2在后选择的细胞永生化过程中的表达。Interestingly, immortalization of postselection cells using various methods leads to a dramatic decrease in COX-2 expression.

端粒酶是一种RNA依赖的DNA多聚酶,可以合成端粒DNA的重复片段与细胞永生化密切相关。Telomerase is RNA dependent DNA polymerase, acts to synthesize DNA repeat fragment of telomeres , which is associated with immortalization of cells.

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如果大海的水能够倒出,也浇不灭我对你的爱,大海里的水能倒出吗?不能,所以我并不爱你!If the water of the ocean can pour out, also sprinkling the immortalization my love to you, can the water in the ocean pour out? Can't, so I not love you!

目的构建携带双自杀基因且可诱导敲除SV40T的逆转录病毒载体,优化目前的肝细胞永生化。Objective To construct a new retroviral vector with double-suicide genes and knockout-inducible SV40T gene, with the aim of optimizing immortalization of hepatocytes.

实验中,我们可以通过多种遗传操作获得永生化细胞,但此项研究中,淋巴细胞确自发的获得永生化的能力。In experiments, immortalization can be achieved following genetic manipulation of cells in various ways, but in the lymphocytes under study this occurred spontaneously.

端粒酶是一个有吸引力的癌症目标,因为它基本上所有的肿瘤细胞,包括肿瘤干细胞永生化的一个子集,似乎需要。Telomerase is an attractive cancer target as it appears to be required in essentially all tumours for immortalization of a subset of cells, including cancer stem cells.

人的正常细胞增殖能力是有限的,经过一定时期的增殖后,最终将进入一种生长抑制状态。Normal human cells have a finite capacity to replicate and eventually enter a state of irreversible growth arrest. Immortalization may have a major impact in the future of medicine.

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蒙古族虽然早已熟习到性命的有限性和短暂性,但是,他们依然追求“性命”的无限与永恒,于是形成了“灵魂不灭”的观念。Although the Mongolian national minority already realizes to life finiteness and the temporary, They still pursue the life infinite and eternal, hence became the idea of"soul immortalization".

端粒和端粒酶是现代生物学研究的热点,端粒的缺失与细胞的衰老,端粒酶的活性与细胞的老化及癌化均有密切的关系。Telomere and telomerase are the focus of modern biological study. There are close relationships among telomere loss and cell ageing, activation of telomerase, cell senescence and immortalization.