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商业机会。Business opportunity.

这就是你的机会。This is your opportunity.

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伯恩利是一个机会。Burnley is an opportunity.

你只有机会。You have only opportunity.

他利用了这个机会。He exploited an opportunity.

良机难再。Opportunity knocks but once.

公平的机会均等。Fair equality of opportunity.

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我视此为一个机会。I saw this as an opportunity.

我们同样也有机会。We, too, have an opportunity.

第四种人错过机会。The fourth fumbles opportunity.

机会很少桥两次门。Opportunity seldom knocks twice.

机会难得。Opportunity seldom knocks twice.

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人生是一次机遇,抓住它。Life is an opportunity — take it.

也许这把叉子是一个机会。Maybe the fork is an opportunity.

不要错过这个机会。Don't throw away this opportunity.

每一次挑战都是机遇。Every challenge is an opportunity.

他在等待机会。He is waiting for his opportunity.

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这是一生中难得的机会。Itss an opportunity of a lifetime.

他抓住了那唯一的机会。He's caught the unique opportunity.

这是求之不得的机会。This is a most welcome opportunity.