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这些影像是关于中国社会现实图景的象征主义的隐语。These images are symbolistic argots about realistic prospect of Chinese society.

已经觉醒的出版社,并不甘心只能获得象征性的收益。Already the press of arousal , can not achieve symbolistic earnings only readily.

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三者在人们观念中形成的这种崇高地位,正是它们所以成为文化标志的根本原因。Just the sublime position the three enjoy in the people makes them the symbolistic things in the Chinese culture.

风水学虽然有很多不同的说法,但普遍认为有“象征性财位”与“实质性财位”。Geomantic the view that although have a lot of, learns to differ, but think generally to have " symbolistic money " with " materiality money ".

特别是数字的奇偶形式,其于古老的阴阳观念作用下,在上古祭祀文化中具有系统的象征意义。And basing upon the study, to more probe into the symbolistic meaning of the form of odd number and even number in ancient times sacrificial culture.

但这一地名得以延续,成为其后辈遗产记忆和意义调动的符号资源。But this placename been all along continued. It has become signal and symbolistic resource for its posterity about memory of heritage and mobilize of sense.

但是,为什么象征性思维方式崛起得如此快呢?4万年前,早期现代人也居住在亚洲、近东和非洲地区。But, why does symbolistic thinking means rise abruptly so quickly? 40 thousand years ago, inchoate modern also lives in Asia, the Near East and African area.

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象征性财位是属于“明财位”,即一般大众所说的入门的左边或右边对角线的位置。Symbolistic money it is to belong to " bright money " , namely the left of the introduction that general public place says or the position with diagonal right.

重新发现这些贝壳的研究人员说,这些珠子更有力的证实了象征性思维的出现比以前认为的要早。The researcher of these conch says rediscovery , the evidence with these stronger bead understands symbolistic thinking appear to want than what think before early.

其中,象征性活动是外显的可感知的文化特征,而共享价值观和共享行为规范是隐性的、深层的、不易被察觉的文化特征。Among which, symbolistic activity is the noticeable culture character, shared value and shared behaviour is the recessive, deeper and unnoticeable culture character.

第二种是象征性分割,它包括使用栏杆、玻璃、悬垂物或光线、色彩等非实体的手段来划分空间。The 2nd kind is symbolistic break up, the measure that it includes to use content of baluster, glass, overhang or light, colour to wait for blame substance will differentiate space.

精美的产品,合理的价格,灵活的经营方式,产品在杭州地区多家形象工程中大量使用,并远销美国、日本等。Perfect products, reasonable prices, flexible management, it makes our products well used for large-scale symbolistic project in Hangzhou area, and exported to the United States and Japan.

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本文从逆向表达、象征性意境两方面对波诗的艺术表现力加以阐释,使波诗丰富意蕴得到较为深入的挖掘。This paper expatiates on his artistic expressive force from converse expression and symbolistic artistic conception point, makes abundant artistic verve in Baudelaire's poetry expressed indepth.