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组装准备铜焊的部件。Assemble parts to be brazed.

召集对于计划的支持。Assemble support for the plan.

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你必须集合许多秃鹰吗?。Do you have to assemble many Condor?

格宾网箱施工怎样组装?Gabion construction how to assemble?

现在你可以装配外闪了。You are now ready to assemble strobes.

队长命令部队集合。The captain called the men to assemble.

这是我们装配车间。This is where we assemble our products.

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那就叫上一帮人组织一场比赛吧。Assemble a group to attend the big game.

样件装配方式是否满足设计要求?。Is the sample assemble according design?

在地板上将所有东西归置到一块。Assemble the items in piles on the floor.

装配螺杆套和球形蜗杆。Assemble the screw yoke with the ballscrew.

有些男孩喜欢组装模型飞机。Some boys like to assemble model airplanes.

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标准输入或汇编源文件。Standard input, or source files to assemble.

立法院将于一月召集会议。The new legislature will assemble in January.

最后他开始安装安全刮脸刀。At last he began to assemble his safety razor.

CDL测井仪打捞工具现场组装快捷,操作方便。CDL tool is very easy to assemble and operate.

该公司将在美国国内制造和组装喷沫设备。It will mold and assemble dispensers in the U. S.

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我儿子把我的手表拆散后组装不起来了。My son stripped my watch and couldn't assemble it.

城市的聚散悲欢都是别人的故事。Others are stronger cities assemble and part story.

CDL测井仪打捞工具现场组装快捷,操作方便。This CDL tool is very easy to assemble and operate.