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清晨那如烟的雾。The smoky morning haze.

他有一双蓝灰色的眼睛透着朦胧梦幻般的美。He had smoky grey-blue eyes.

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他的腿已经被熏黑了。His legs were black and smoky.

地上冒著黑烟的烟囱。Ground braving the smoky chimneys.

刺柏树枝烧起来的味道真不错!Juniper twigs for that nice smoky smell!

这条走廊通向一间烟雾弥漫的低矮房间。The corridor opened into a low smoky room.

没错,他的腿已经被熏黑了。It was true. His legs were black and smoky.

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今年流行烟熏、神秘风的眼睛。The style this year is smoky , mysterious eyes.

由于从洛杉矶大火乌烟瘴气,马拉松取消。Marathon canceled due to smoky air from LA fire.

表盘的中央是一块烟灰色的玻璃。At the center of the dial is a piece of smoky glass.

冒烟的矿内有许多土褐色的房子。There are many drab houses in the smoky mining town.

小溪河流烟雾缭绕闪闪亮。And twinkle in the smoky light the waters of the rill.

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葡京赌场狭小,紧凑,喧闹和烟雾缭绕。Casino Lisboa is small, tightly packed, loud and smoky.

眼神空眼眶红、就用烟熏妆盖过。Empty eyes look red, it is overwhelmed with smoky makeup.

救火员听到冒烟的房间里传出一个男孩的喘息声。The policeman heard the gasps of a boy in the smoky room.

她沙哑的声音和弹吉他时那性感的方式令人着迷。Her smoky voice and sultry guitar playing has us all hooked.

他饭后总是吸支烟,弄得屋子满是烟雾。He always has a smoke after dinner, and makes the room smoky.

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救火员听到冒烟的房间里有个男孩的喘息声。GASP】The policeman heard the gasps of a boy in the smoky room.

云雾笼罩着大烟山国家公园的一个山谷。Clouds obscure a valley in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

这个烟雾腾腾的小房间不住摇晃,使娜塔丽要想呕吐。The swaying of the smoky little room was making Natalie queasy.