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求得的爱情是美好的,但主动给予的爱情更美好。Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better.

不经意而来的感受,通常最值得珍惜。Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.

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找寻来的爱情是美好的,但不经找寻而赋予的爱情是更为美好。Love songht is good, but given unsought is better. ——Shakespeare.

他胜利的时刻固然使他欣慰高兴,但也带来意想不到的后遗症。His moment of triumph gratifies him but comes with unsought consequences.

我们不想要邻居、管闲事的家伙、不请自来的客人和不想进行的谈话。We don't want neighbours, snoopers, uninvited visitors or unsought conversation.

没人考虑了这种意想不到的后果,从长远来看,我们也会引火烧身。No one has considered the unsought consequences, In the long run we will also get burned.

生命中没有爱就好比四季中缺少了夏天,但追来的爱诚可贵,飞来的爱价更高。A life without love is like a year without summer , Love sought is good , but unsought is better.

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非需求品可以是必需品,也可以是奢侈品,甚至是鲜为人知的商品,但消费者通常都不会问津。Unsought goods are items a consumer does not necessarily want or need or may not even know about.

该观念比较典型地使用在“费渴求类商品”上,即购买者通常不会想到要去购买的商品。The concept is typically practiced with unsought goods-those that buyers do not normally think of buying.

通常这些不经意的想法是最有价值和最可靠的,因为他们几乎不会重来。Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable and should be secured, because they seldom return.

罪人蒙救,只是因为上帝要彰显他无价的、非买来的、非寻找可得的恩典。When sinners are saved, it is only and solely because God will do it to magnify his free, unpurchased, unsought grace.

其他两种形式,首先是反思,其次是哲学的认识,一定超越独有的自然和谐。The two other forms, first reflective, and secondly philosophical cognition, must leave that unsought natural harmony behind.

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得到快乐的唯一路径就是紧紧跟随责任的途路,丝毫不去考虑快乐与否,就象虔诚的信徒一样,然后,不必你去寻求,快乐自会找上门来。The only way to get it is to follow steadily the path of duty, without thinking of joy, and then, like sheep, it comes most surely, unsought.

这是一个稀少的不可求的事情,超出你的控制,但是一旦感受到它的震撼,自我会要求更多的快乐,接着冲突开始了。This is a rare and unsought event, out of your control, but having once felt its intensity the self demands further enjoyment of it, and so conflict begins.

推销观念在那些毋庸自找的产品上使用得最卖力——购买者一般不会考虑购买诸如保险或者墓地这些产品。The selling concept is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods—goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as insurance and funeral plots.

由于手中握有熊阔海家的房契,杨小菊找上门来想要以收房为由逼迫熊阔海承认自己中共地下情报员的真实身份。Because the hand holds XiongKuo sea home the deed, YangXiaoJu unsought want to receive room for XiongKuo sea admits he persecuted CPC underground the five-courier identity.