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这意味着,历史数据永远不会被修改或者再处理。This means historical data can never be altered or reprocessed.

此后的出租物业交还和重新处理。Hereafter the rental properties are redelivered and reprocessed.

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现有储量、原先的核武器以及再加工燃料都提供了剩余的需求。Existing stocks, former nukes and reprocessed fuel provide the rest.

塑料品通常被压成小碎片,再重新加工。The plastic is ground into tiny flakes that are reprocessed into new products.

过往的体验必须经过加工和再加工才能成为长久的记忆。Experiences must be processed and reprocessed in order to become long-term memories.

这一安排可防止经后处理的材料被转用于军事目的。This arrangement would prevent reprocessed fuel from being diverted to military use.

此外,在本港再处理的废纸、金属、塑胶及玻璃等超过40万公吨。More than 400000 tonnes of waste paper, metals, plastic and glass were reprocessed locally.

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根据加工方法的不同,茶叶可分为基本茶类和再加工茶。According to the processing methods, tea can be classified as basic tea and reprocessed tea.

废燃料的核电站计划在中国再加工,使铀的充分利用。Spent fuel from NPPs is planned to be reprocessed in China to make full utilization of uranium.

在英国,大量收集来的玻璃都在这里进行再加工,但仍然供不应求。The vast majority of glass collected in the UK is reprocessed here – and demand for it remains strong.

人们每次想事时,大脑都再重写一遍,如此重新储存的过程也即重新处理的过程。Every time we recall it, our brain writes it down again, and during this re-storage, it is also reprocessed.

在这个宏大的过程中,岩石被融化,再生,以新方式聚集化学元素。These epic processes melted and reprocessed vast amounts of rock and concentrated chemical elements in new ways.

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该物质中含钚和再加工过的铀,日本将首次用它发电。MOX is a blend of plutonium and reprocessed uranium, which Japan wants to use to generate power for the first time.

可见民间的戏曲图像从一开始,就有着创作者重新的加工和改造。Therefore, we may conclude, right from the beginning, folk opera painting was reprocessed and renovated by the creators.

有些X射线的辐射是在吸积盘上被加工过,经过一或二天才以可见光的形式再辐射出来。X-ray radiation of the central accretion disc is reprocessed in one to two days to be re-emitted in the optical spectrum.

多伊奇说,运输经再处理的乏燃料,必须十分小心,以防止发生意外事故或遭恐怖分子劫持。Deutch said reprocessed spent fuel must be transported with the greatest care to prevent any accidents or hijacking by terrorists.

要正确理解和系统科学地分析教材、实现对教材的再加工和创新。It could be reached that teaching material is reprocessed and innovated through understanding perfectly and entire studying scientifically.

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这是因为一整天的数据收集完成后,会重新处理一次。The reason the data is not complete until 24 hours after processing is that the entire day’s data is reprocessed after it has been collected.

哈勃空间望远镜拍摄的这幅特写经过特别处理后,突显了氢气特有的泛红色光辉。This remarkable Hubble Space Telescope close-up of the well-studied galaxy was reprocessed to highlight the telltale reddish glow of hydrogen gas.

所有再回加工的部品是否有文件化的程序书和标准书?Are all reprocessing parts covered by documented procedures and standards? Are reprocessed parts audited for conformance to all customer requirements?