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那么,什么是你的感知力呢?So what is your perception then?

掌权者助长了这一普遍看法。Elites have fed this mass perception.

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在商业领域,洞察力就是一切。In business perception is everything.

它不会多过一个知觉。It is nothing more than a perception.

NVH应该避免任何不好的感觉。NVH should avoid any negative perception.

感受光刺激的部位是根冠。Root cap was the site of light perception.

因此,在这里对食物的认知非常重要So the perception is really important here.

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幸福是个人的一种感知。Happiness is a perception of each indivdual.

通过医院标准色觉测试。Pass hospitalstandard Color Perception test.

多数的市场行销人都在凭感觉下注。Most marketing people would bet on perception.

但是,米斯特拉说,人们对美国的看法很重要。But, Mistral says, perception counts for a lot.

你的情感是感知力的回应。Your emotions are a response to your perception.

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这个看法在这次会谈中也有所印证。This perception has been proved during the talks.

尽早抓住机会打破这个成见。Break that perception at the earliest opportunity.

答案就在人体的色觉是如何工作的。The answer lies in the way color perception works.

第三个说法是人民币该升值了。Third, the perception that RMB should be revalued.

性别观念的转变可能也是其中一个因素。A change in gender perception may also be a factor.

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你的感知限度会随着时间发生改变。Your perception of your limit can change over time.

她对正确事物的理解几乎是直觉的。Her perception of the right seemed almost intuitive.

只有这样才能帮助我们消除错误的观念。Only after that can we help remove wrong perception.