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十八世纪吗?Is it the eighteenth century?

你是在第十八球洞的三推杆球!You are three putts on the eighteenth green!

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阿萨姆邦十八世纪-拉梅什总卡利塔。Assam in the Eighteenth Century – Ramesh Ch Kalita.

第十七是希悉,第十八是哈辟悉。The seventeenth to Hezir, the eighteenth to Aphses.

这是一本18世纪书籍的复制版。This a facsimile edition of an eighteenth century book.

那天是莎布琳娜18岁的生日,他很快就会见到她了。It was her eighteenth birthday and he would see her soon.

另一个例子是西尼卡给陆西利斯的十八封信。Another example is Seneca's eighteenth letter to Lucilius.

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它是18世纪乾隆皇帝修建的。It was built by Emperor Qian Long in the eighteenth century.

想想你曾学过的18世纪的作家。Think about the writers you've studied from the eighteenth century.

这逾越节是约西亚作王十八年守的。In the eighteenth year of the reign of Josiah was this passover kept.

十八世纪的成就是健康的,好的。The work of the eighteenth century is healthy and good and wholesome.

在十八世纪,芭蕾渐渐地发展成为了一种舞台表演。Gradually,it became a stage show on its own in the eighteenth century.

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这逾越节是约西亚作王十八年守的。This Passover was celebrated in the eighteenth year of Josiah's reign.

耶罗波安王十八年,亚比雅登基作犹大王。In the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam, Abijah began to reign over Judah.

耶罗波安王十八年,亚比雅登基作犹大王In the eighteenth year of the reign of Jeroboam, Abijah became king of Judah

那是一个世纪在谈话,不过,这是十八世纪。It was a century which spoke through her, but it was the eighteenth century.

甚至在18世纪晚期,北方就开始转型为一个市场社会了It was beginning to be a market society even in the late eighteenth century.

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耶罗波安王十八年,亚比雅登基作犹大王。Now in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam began Abijah to reign over Judah.

共济会似乎在十八世纪初叶在欧洲开始发展。It seems that Freemasonry developed in Europe in the early eighteenth century.

这便是十八世纪新英格兰作品的语调,轻松而不避尘俗。This is the tone of the eighteenth century in New England, relaxed and secular.