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但州内大部分地区却是沼泽地。But a good chunk of it is swampland.

岛上的建筑物都是建在沼泽地带,所以都高于地面四至五尺。All buildings are built 3-5 feet from the swampland.

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三分之二的沼泽地已经开垦为农田了。Two thirds of the swampland has been reclaimed for farming.

也可以作为冰面、沼泽地、泥石流等环境下的救援器材。It also can be used on the ice surface, swampland and where after debris flow happens.

然后,钢筋水泥的楼宇变成了棕榈树,还有刚灌了水的稻田。Then the concrete blocks give way to palm trees and paddy fields flooded into swampland.

被很多自然学家认为是美国最原始的沼泽动物栖息地之一。Considered by many naturalists to be one of the most pristine swampland habitats in the United States.

父亲被抛出窗外,落在或者是爬进了一个用来改造沼泽地的下水道甲。He was thrown clear of the car but landed in or crawled into a drainage ditch dug to reclaim swampland.

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父亲被抛出窗外,落在或者是爬进了一个挖好的用来开垦沼泽地的排水沟中。He was thrown clear of the car but landed in, or crawled into, a drainage ditch dug to reclaim swampland.

潮湿的洼地和夏天那令人大汗淋漓天气,会让仍然穿着常规盔甲的士兵们处境危险。The sodden swampland and the sweltering climate, particular in summertide , would endanger the troops if they wore their usual armor.

只有当我们仅仅因为恰巧降生在那里而摒弃了对污浊的城市、十英亩大小的沼泽的那些愚蠢的观念,这个世界才会更美好。It'll be a better world when we quit being fools about some mildewed town or ten acres of swampland just because we happened to be born there.

这里是一片未被驯化的野生丛林,里面既没有道路,也没有任何基础设施,对外国游客来说更是可望而不可及。The Gap is an untamed wilderness of jungle and swampland with no road infrastructure whatsoever, and it's officially off-limits to foreign travelers.

中国已经出台了土地转换制度,要求开发商和当地政府用诸如沼泽等来代替损失的耕地。China has introduced land-conversion rules that require developers and local governments to replace lost agricultural land, by draining swampland for example.

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此外,还有一个疯狂的搬迁首都例子,就是在一片沼泽地上建立一个都城,这在当时看来简直就是有钱的土地投机商的异想天开。And then there was another crazy idea of building a capital on a square of swampland thatseemed mainly to be a boondoggle for wealthy land speculators at the time.

沼泽和温性草甸草原虽然单位面积服务价值很高,但在草地生态系统中所占的地位很低。Although the services value of swampland and temperate grasslands are high per unit area, their value has little importance to the grassland ecosystem in Xinjiang due to their small area.