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在房间里做个母老虎。Be a tigress in the bedroom.

虎妞客气地试图溜走。Tigress politely tried to slip away.

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她是一个巨大的母老虎,并裁定了很长一段时间。She was a huge tigress and ruled for a long time.

只受伤的母老虎正在怒吼。The wounded tigress was now roaring double tides.

他们迅速堪比母虎。They will be swift with swiftness of the tigress.

然而世事弄人,我竟会爱上一只老虎,不对!Whenas god joke on me, I fall in love with a tigress.

狮虎兽是雄性狮子和雌性老虎的后代。A liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress

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她把小福子看成个最可爱,最可羡慕,也值得嫉妒的人。Tigress considered her the most lovable and enviable of people.

还要横渡像底格里斯和幼发拉底般广阔的河流。There were broad rivers like the Tigress and Euphrates to be crossed.

你原来要指的是娇虎,可那个肉团正巧掉下来。You were about to point at Tigress and that thing fell in front of her!

她过去大部分时间都像一只母老虎一样生活,与10或12只老虎呆在一起。She used to live mostly as a tigress and kept ten or twelve tigers with her.

大概是老虎看出了我的犹豫,还是别的什么原因,我不知。Assumably, my tigress detect my apprehension, or another reason, I don't know.

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医师们决定,如果母老虎可以充做另一头母兽所产下的幼兽的代理母亲的话。The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother's cubs.

虎妞虽然厉害,但是没了她怎能成个家呢?Tigress might have been a termagant , but without her what home could he have?

虎妞穿着红袄,脸上抹着白粉与胭脂,眼睛溜着他。Tigress in a red jacket, her face powdered and rouged, followed him with her eyes.

你未必能一下子转变成一个母老虎——但是你可以假装你已经是。You're unlikely to suddenly transform into a tigress — but you can pretend to be one.

今天他一定不会多喝酒,因为他怕老婆,他的老婆是有名的“母老虎”。He certainly won't drink much, because he is a henpecked man while his wife is a famous tigress.

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结婚之前,她的发型有点野,我打趣说,她的发型让她看起来像只母老虎,可就了不得了。Before we got married, she had a wild hairstyle and I teased that it made her look like a tigress.

无论怎说,他的身体是不象从前那么结实了,虎妞应负着大部分的责任。He wasn't as strong as he had been, no doubt about it, and Tigress was largely responsible for that.

深山里住着一只饥饿的虎霸王,他用咒语把自己变成了虎姑婆,来到快乐干净村寻找他最爱吃的小朋友!The hungry tiger in the mountain turns himself to Aunt Tigress comes to the village looking for food.