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我怀着极大的好奇心,想去看孟加拉的乡村。I had a great curiosity to see a Bengal village.

印度和太平洋不搭界啊。India borders the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean.

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尊敬的西孟加拉邦甘地邦长阁下Mr. Gopal Krishna Gandhi, Governor of West Bengal

或者去位于孟加拉湾中部的布莱尔港冲浪。Or go surfing in Port Blair in the Bay of Bengal.

离开孟加拉中学到喜马拉雅山去!Away from the Bengal Academy and off to the Himalayas!

露露是一只失明的孟加拉虎,从马戏团被解救出来。Lulu, a blind Bengal tiger, was rescued from a circus.

印度东部位于孟加拉湾的一个邦。The modern Indic language of West Bengal and Bangladesh.

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她说,他们习惯于在孟加拉蔬菜、鱼食谱里放黑孜然籽。She says they're used in Bengal vegetable and fish dishes.

西孟加拉邦的选民,将会决定下一年左翼阵线的选情。West Bengal voters will decide on the Left Front next year.

我们在比哈尔、北方邦、孟加拉邦和奥里萨邦难道没有最穷的劳动力吗?Dont we have the poorest raw labor in bihar, up, bengal and orissa.

一东南亚国家,位于孟加拉湾和安达曼海岸边。A country of southeast Asia on the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

一只孟加拉虎妈妈和她的幼兽休息在高大的草地。A mother Bengal tiger and her cub rest in the tall grass of a meadow.

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我使用一切可以逃避的手段来逃脱孟加拉中学。I resorted to all manner of subterfuges to escape the Bengal Academy.

印度东南部一城市,濒临孟加拉湾,位于马德拉斯东南偏南。A city of southeast India on the Bay of Bengal south-southwest of Madras.

马克思主义者暴徒再次出现,杀死西孟加拉普通平民。The Marxist thugs are out again to kill the common people in West Bengal.

混合这个孟加拉面粉和酸奶形成一个厚的混合物在一个杯子里。Blend this Bengal Gram flour with yogurt to form a thick mixture in a cup.

也许是这样,但是你不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧成灰。Maybe so, but you can't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass.

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对于德里,亚穆纳和孟加拉湾的连接线已经有了。For Delhi, the link is already there with Yamuna connection to Bay of Bengal.

在印度,大量的栖地流失造成孟加拉虎的数量持续减少。In India, massive habitat loss continues to devastate Bengal tiger populations.

阿拉干沿着孟加拉湾东岸延伸约350英里。Arakan stretched for some 350 miles along the eastern shore of the Bay of Bengal.