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这种谷物是条播的。The grain was sown in drill.

这种子用撒播法下种。The seeds were sown broadcast.

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三十英亩田种了小麦。Thirty acres are sown to wheat.

香豌豆籽可在五月份种上。Sweet pea seed can be sown in May.

草皮已植在了体育场里。The grass was sown in the stadium.

为此,一要落实播种面积。To this end, 1. area of seed sown.

我在这块土地上已播了谷子。I have sown the millet in this plot.

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“亚当的儿子,”阿斯兰说,“你栽得很好。"Son of Adam, " said Aslan, "you have sown well.

这类种子种下后3天出芽。The seeds will sprout in 3 days after they are sown.

为此原故,我们撒种好像我们不曾撒过一样。For this reason, we are sowing as we have never sown.

汤姆交来一篇论文,里面全是语法错误。Tom handed in a paper sown with grammatical mistakes.

连个城市之间争斗仇恨的种子就在此时种下。The seeds of this fierce inter-city rivalry were sown.

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犯罪行为的根源是否始自幼时?Are the seeds of criminal behavior sown early in life ?

今春播下的谷物差不多全毁了。Cereals sown this spring have been practically wiped out.

禾木科草和三叶草播种深度应为12-20毫米。Grass and clover seed should be sown at a depth of 12-20mm.

应遵守中国法律法规,若有违反,后果自负。Must obey the Chinese law , Be against it , reap as you have sown.

这是由于罪恶的自由派已播下的种子多年。It is the result of the seeds godless liberals have sown for years.

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原来的柏油操场已经复上了草皮或种满了鲜花。The asphalt playgrounds have been grassed over or sown with flowers.

李园生草栽培是李树有机栽培的一种重要模式。Sown grass in plum orchard is an important organic cultivation model.

媒体反切尔西的种子,在那时候被撒下了。There the seeds were sown for the Anti-Chelsea campaign by the media.