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但它真的可以壮阳吗?But is it really an aphrodisiac?

良好的交谈是最棒的催情剂A good talk is a great aphrodisiac

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巧克力真的是催情剂?Is chocolate really an aphrodisiac?

这是一种特别有效的壮阳药。It's a particularly powerful aphrodisiac.

他是吃了壮阳药了,你可不要瞎吃呀!He used aphrodisiac. You'd better not use it.

食补平安,养身体,壮阳药伤身体。Sibu peace, raise the body, bodily injury aphrodisiac.

拿牡蛎来说吧,被认为是一种性感的催情药。Oysters for example, are supposed to be a sexy aphrodisiac.

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多年来,牡蛎一直都被视成壮阳剂。Oysters have, for many years, been considered an aphrodisiac.

对于中国人食物不仅仅是食物还是壮阳药。For the Chinese food is not only food but aphrodisiac as well.

螃蟹是高蛋白的东西,具有滋阴壮阳的作用。Crab is something that has nourishing high-protein aphrodisiac.

亨利·基辛格曾说,权力是至高无上的催欲剂。Henry Kissinger may have thought that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

浪漫的民间传说通常认为巧克力是一种催情剂。Even today, romantic lore commonly identifies chocolate as an aphrodisiac.

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不必非要高空跳伞,但稍微分享一些危险是一剂好的催情药。You don't have to go sky-diving, but a little shared danger is a proven aphrodisiac.

最后,意大利研究人员想知道是否巧克力确实是催情剂。Finally, Italian researchers wanted to know whether chocolate truly is an aphrodisiac.

尽管牡蛎质地油腻,但他可能是最知名的壮阳药。Despite their slippery and slimy texture, oysters may be the most well-known aphrodisiac.

散步或闲暇时的愉快谈话便是一剂春宫妙药。Good conversation during walks or while the couple is relaxing can be a great aphrodisiac.

诚然,温肾壮阳药不失为治疗肾阳虚阳痿的对症良药。Admittedly, the temperature is regarded as the treatment of renal aphrodisiac Yang impotence.

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这种「性树」因有催情的特性,相当受到乌干达男性欢迎,欧芮恩欧力达教授说。The "sex tree" is popular among Ugandans for its aphrodisiac properties, said Professor Oryem-Orida.

权力被形容成很多事物——至高无上的催欲剂、一位彻头彻尾的腐蚀者、一位情妇、一把小提琴。Power has been called many things. The ultimate aphrodisiac. An absolute corrupter. A mistress. A violin.

而另一方面,巧克力也被誉为抗抑郁剂和催情剂。On the other hand, chocolate is also known for being everything from an anti-depressant to an aphrodisiac.