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可以想象这个债务量是个什么概念了。So that's a lot of indebtedness.

过度负债是一个真正的,长远的问题。Excessive indebtedness is a real, long-term problem.

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客栈老板把那个人欠的帐记在石板上。The innkeeper scored up the man's indebtedness on a slate.

政府如提出要求,我必须立即全数清还有关债项。On demand , I shall forthwith repay the Indebtedness in full.

企业负债融资,是财务理论界一个“老生常谈”的话题。Enterprise indebtedness financing, a wheezy topic in financial theory.

对债务的担忧使得通货膨胀看起来更加吸引人。The anxiety about indebtedness makes inflation seem all the more appealing.

政府如提出要求,本人必须立即全数清还有关债项。On demand by the Government, I shall forthwith pay the Indebtedness in full.

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债务重组是一种能较好地解决企业负债问题的办法。The re-organization of debt is a good approach to enterprises' indebtedness.

当然我们个人无法左右诸如通胀或者债务的宏观经济问题。Of course individuals can’t shape macro issues like inflation or indebtedness.

互利互益的合作精神渗透到合作组织中。The spirit of collaboration and mutual indebtedness permeates the organization.

此时讨论史坦尼斯是否负债是不合适的。It would not be proper for me to discuss Lord Stannis's indebtedness or lack of same.

首先,很多大学毕业生的负债额是显著的而且是史无前例的。First, the amount of indebtedness many graduates have is pronounced and unprecedented.

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任何关于利物浦俱乐部债务的问题都需要经过全体董事会同意才能进行。Again, any incurrence of indebtedness by Liverpool Football Club needs full Board approval.

除了附件3.12中所示,本公司或其子公司没有任何债务。Except as set forth on Schedule 3.12, none of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries has any Indebtedness.

阿债务的感激和对他人的意识和慷慨、善良生活的重要源泉。A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life.

应该对银行进行资本重组,有充足的坏账准备金,并抑制国有企业失控的债务。Banks should be recapitalized, bad loans provisioned fully and state-owned companies' runaway indebtedness curbed.

虽然我们一般忽视这异邦文明对我们的恩惠,但它给予我们的贡献已成为我们的传统。Although we are often unaware of our indebtedness to this other civilization, its gifts are very much a part of our heritage.

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“无债一身轻”是许多人的愿望,可惜许多人一生都活在欠债的痛苦中而不自觉。"To be debt free" is the wish of many people. However, many people live in the misery of indebtedness without even realizing it.

签署人在此同意对由此产生的所有损失,债务和义务赔偿FXCM使之不受损害。The undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold FXCM harmless for all losses, indebtedness and liabilities arising therefrom.

那么,究竟是什么导致国家债台高筑呢,我有两套思路,麻烦你们告诉我,哪个更能说明现状。Now, there are a couple of ways to think about indebtedness and I'd like you to tell me which one is correct as applied to the nation.