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蓓蕾开成花朵。Buds unfold into flowers.

莉兹,打开你的餐巾。Liz unfold your table napkin.

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像是很自然地并排站列在此。Juxtapositions like this unfold naturally here.

这场战争在眨眼间就展开了。The war seemed to unfold in the blink of an eye.

我从一个独特的角度观察了所有这些事件的展开。I saw all this unfold from a peculiar perspective.

开展竞赛,调动学习兴趣。NO. 5. Unfold contest , mobilize the students'interest.

或者,他们也许只是“静观”梦境的上演。Alternatively, they may simply ‘watch’ the dream unfold.

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请要关上衣柜的门,因为我想要换件衬衫。Keep the closet unfold because I want to change my shirt.

我们有一个长远规划,将用多年时间来实施。We have a long-term plan that will unfold over many years.

把铁丝对折做出折痕,然后打开。fold the wire in half to create a sharp crease, then unfold.

但卟文在第21页,你从没有打开过报纸。But they are on page 21. You never even unfold the newspaper.

保持耐心,让生活如含苞待放的花蕾。Have patience and let your life unfold like a budding flower.

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绿油油的叶子以一种非常漂亮的螺旋状伸展开来。The bright green leaves unfold in a beautiful spiraling pattern.

将地图展开,置于非金属的平面上。Unfold map and place on a firm, flat, level nonmetallic surface.

是的。现在先把第一张派皮打开,然后把它压到烤盘上。Yes. Now unfold the first piecrust and press it into a pie dish.

现在我终于可以亲身参与到这场“戏剧”中,即使是个跑龙套的。Now I would witness the drama unfold firsthand, albeit as a flunky.

当我们被倾听,它创造我们,使我们显露、展现自己。When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.

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转开玻璃刀片,在皮肤上滑动,已达到挑逗和调情的效果。Unfold glass blade and glide across the skin to tantalize and arouse.

你之心结就像是慢动作似之在你之面前清晰地展开。The issues on your mind unfold clearly, as if they were in slow motion.

将两张24英寸长的锡纸呈十字对折,再打开。Fold two 24-inch lengths of aluminum foil in half crosswise, and unfold.