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我的腰带这样行吗?Is my sash right?

绦带关系在腰部。Sash belt ties at waist.

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可拆卸的自我腰绦。Detachable self waist sash.

一根宽腰带系在她腰上。A broad sash bound her waist.

他拉下吊窗,转过身来。He pulled the sash down and turned back.

扯开百页窗拉起窗框。Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

在帝国腰水平能绶带的领带。Horizontal pleating at empire waist with sash tie.

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该系列产品均可配上百页窗扇。The series can be accompanied by one hundred sash.

北野武和萨瘸子率部队进入丛林。Kitano and sash a lame rate troops into the jungle.

其中一个砰地一声击中了离我床边最近的窗框上。One of them banged the sash of the window nearest my bed.

他试图吊起窗子,但是吊窗绳断了。He tried to raise the window but the sash cord was broken.

把肩带围在我的肩上,把皇冠戴到我的头上。places the sash over my shoulder and the tiara on my head.

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或干脆把丝带部分都舍弃,加上一个漂亮的腰带,这样更好。Or, better yet, lose the sash altogether and add a nice belt.

你可以骑在我的背上!你用腰带紧紧地把你自己系牢。You can sit on my back, and fasten yourself on with your sash.

配上水晶或者绸缎腰带,你就会是红地毯上最耀眼的明星。Accent the red-carpet styling with a crystal or grosgrain sash.

他们一家已经为五位总统做总统饰带了。They’ve made the presidential sash for the last five presidents.

采用高档合页,可承重大面积的窗扇。High – grade leaves are applied to bear a large area of window sash.

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可移动此框格,在控件间分隔屏幕空间。You can move this sash to divide the screen space between the controls.

杨柳万条垂下,绿绦满衣,它是春天的使者吗?Willow dropped, green sash over clothing, it is the messenger of spring, it?

我还要向“黑肩带”妇女协会以及南非学生国民联合会致敬。I also salute the Black Sash and the National Union of South African Students.