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相同或不可区分的对象可能被表示多次。The same or indiscernible objects may be represented several times.

红土型金矿床为一种难识别的金矿床类型。The lateritical gold deposit is an lately-founded indiscernible and a new type of gold deposit.

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“不可区分的对等物难题”,起于艺术品的再现论性质。The Problem of Indiscernible Counterparts follows from the representationalistic character of works of art.

当披上“军装这件隐形斗篷”时,他越过了阶级之间“看不见的铁丝网”。He crossed the "indiscernible barbed wire" between classes when he put on the "invisible cloak of his uniform.

虽然在国外闹得沸沸扬扬,但该组织在国内的影响已经几乎看不到了。In contrast to the clamor it has caused abroad, the organization's influence is almost indiscernible in China.

而在某些特殊的场景,如隧道或高楼路段,卫星信号较弱甚至无信号。In some special scenarios, such as road tunnels or tall buildings, the satellite signal is weak or indiscernible.

到了今天,设计与艺术的分野当然越益难辨,若要分辨也恐怕是多此一举。Today, the boundary between art and design is increasingly indiscernible and it is also unnecessary to distinguish them.

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他以前以各种未透露的身份电曾和这一类人接触过,但每次总有一层无形的铁丝网隔在中间。In various unrevealed capacities he had come in contact with such people, but always with indiscernible barbed wire between.

上万的马和牦牛用它们的蹄子踩出一条清晰可见的道路。Tens of thousands of traveling horses and yaks created a definite pathway with their hooves on the once- indiscernible road.

而这里我只是走在大街上的看不见的十亿人中的一个。And I kind of like the idea of just being a number here, I am just one of a billion indiscernible people roaming the streets.

他们的眼睛是灰白色的,毫无神采,瞳孔几乎不可分辨。Their eyes are ashen-white, drained of any hint of colour, while an almost indiscernible pupil resides just beneath the eye's surface.

当阳光以特定的角度照在立面上,会出现光图案和阴影,而在其他时候几乎是看不见的。When the sun shines on the surfaces at certain angles the pattern of light and shadow appears pronounced, while at other times it is almost indiscernible.

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但别忘记,新影像也会带来新知识,或是对熟悉事物的新颖视点。Although we learned how to look at certain things, there seems to be an indiscernible desire for new images, for new perspectives as well as for new knowledge.

卫星应该可以侦测到时间与空间在每个轨道中的实际细微偏差,这些是进入轨道的宇航员很难识别出的,但的确是可以测量到的。The satellite should detect that small bits of time and space are actually missing from each orbit something indiscernible to orbiting astronauts but measurable nonetheless.

不断增长的证据显示,孤独症的孩子按汞中毒适当治疗,将完全恢复正常机能,与同龄人的神经特征难以分辨。There is a growing body of evidence that children properly treated for mercury poisoning fully recover normal functioning and are indiscernible from their neurotypical peers.

更进一步调查之后,布朗惊讶整个建筑物石头表面是多么的光滑如镜一样,几乎不能看见石头之间的接缝处。Upon investigating further, Brown was surprised by how smooth and mirror-like was the stone surface of the whole structure, with the joints'between the individual blocks almost indiscernible.

在传统的粗糙集模型和相容粗糙集模型基础上,通过松弛对象之间的不可分辨和相容性条件,给出了一种新的基于和谐关系的粗糙集模型。This paper presents a novel rough set model based on concordance relation, according to which the objects are less indiscernible and tolerant on the basis of classical and tolerant rough sets.

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返回的时候已经是深夜,鹅毛大雪厚厚地覆盖了大地,分辨不清道路,车辆打滑无法行驶,他和同事小科只能在车里过夜。To return to a time when it is already late at night, snow covered the earth, indiscernible Road, vehicle slippage can not travel, he and his colleagues small families can spend a night in a car.

面对季后赛最强的主场和体格上最壮的球队,这场比赛的加索尔严重缩水,湖人也在能源中心以99比104失利。Faced with the most intense, physical postseason game of his career, late-season giant Pau Gasol shrank to an indiscernible size in the Lakers' 104-99 loss to the Utah Jazz at EnergySolutions Arena.