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也就是说,市场可能适应不良。In other words, markets may be maladaptive.

乍一看,这种行为似乎是不适应的。At first glance, the behavior would seem to be maladaptive.

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第一步是确定你的不良思想习惯。The first step is to identify your maladaptive thought habits.

在这个过程中,他创造了一个系统,让地球上的不良行为无限地延续。And in doing so, he created a system that perpetuates the maladaptive behavior on the Earth plane.

他的某项研究展示了害怕批评是怎样妨碍“不适应完美主义者”取得进步的。One of his studies shows how fearing criticism prevents maladaptive perfectionists from improving.

这是一种安慰,但是能成为一种恶性循环和对不良做法的适应,而人们在这个过程中就长胖了。But that can become a vicious cycle, it can become maladaptive , and people can gain weight then in the process.

对于这些人来说,拖拉是一种生活方式,虽然是一种不良的生活生活。For them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one. And it cuts across all domains of their life.

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近期的研究提示钠氢交换泵1也介导长期不良刺激引起的心肌肥大和心衰。It is emerging that NHE 1 also contributes to myocardial hypertrophy and heart failure due to chronic maladaptive stimulation.

目的考察个体对权威的畏惧感、对否定评价的惧怕与非适应性完美主义之间的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship among fear of authority, fear of negative evaluation, and maladaptive perfectionism.

或者现在它确实没什么意义,但却是“古代环境适应特征的结果,”阿伯特称。Or maybe it really is maladaptive now, but is "the outcome of traits that were adaptive in ancestral environment," said Abbott.

在心肌病中给予超负荷的压力引出强烈的自溶作用是不适当的,会导致疾病进展。Pressure overload stress elicits a robust autophagic response in cardiomyocytes that is maladaptive , contributing to disease progression.

百分之二十的人认为他们是慢性的拖延者。Twenty percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. For them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one.

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“音乐将会成为解释快感、嗜瘾和适应不良行为各个方面的利器,”Huron说道。"Music is going to be a useful tool in trying to explain all sorts of aspects of pleasure, addiction and maladaptive behaviors," Huron said.

Fisher在用功能性磁共振成像对那些遭到情人的拒绝而无法摆脱痛苦的人们的研究中发现了适应不良爱情中的危险。Fisher sees the dangers of maladaptive love in fMRI studies she's conducting of people who have been rejected by a lover and can't shake the pain.

病态人格的特征为长期存在的和世界相互作用的不适应,所以是众所周之的很难治疗。Personality disorders are characterized by long-standing maladaptive ways of interacting with the world, and they are notoriously difficult to treat.

病人虽然无智能障碍,但适应不良的行为模式难以矫正,仅少数病人在成年后程度上可有改善。The maladaptive behavior pattern is difficult to change, though the patient has no mental retardation. Only a few of patients will improve in their adulthood.

精神运动治疗方案组接受家庭治疗方案和3家门诊的训练,针对修改不适当疼痛认知、行为和运动神经控制为重点。The psychomotor therapy group received a home program and 3 outpatient sessions focusing on modifying maladaptive pain cognitions, behaviors, and motor control.

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人们学习和适应不良环境的适应性都管理方式和工作压力和社会生活中的问题作出反应,以在他们的家庭,教育,。People learn both adaptive and maladaptive ways of managing stress and responding to life problems within their family, educational, social and work environments.

自我原谅使得个体从过去的不恰当行为中走出来,专注于即将来临的考试,过去的包袱便不会妨碍现在的学习。Forgiveness allows the individual to move past their maladaptive behaviour and focus on the upcoming examination without the burden of past acts to hinder studying.

我们如何界定什么是正常,健康,典型行为,什么是变态,非典型,异常,不健康,适应性差的精神问题?Where do we draw the line between normal, healthy, typical behavior and what we might want to call abnormal, atypical, deviant, unhealthy maladaptive mental problems?