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我是一名操作工,我在MSA工作。I am an operator, I work in the MSA.

利用“MSA”来帮你记住应该做什么。Use "MSA" to help you remember what to do.

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2003年MSA在上海设立了中国营销总部。In 2003, MSA set up its China Headquarter in Shanghai.

MSA没有包括所有的测量系统。MSA was not covered all measuring and test equipment system.

屈指算算,我已经在阳逻海事处实习了近一个月的时间。I've been interning in Yangluo MSA in Wuhan for about a month now.

举一反三检查其他测量系统的MSA,检查结果无类似问题。Check other measuring system's MSA and find no like problem existing.

在生活上,我受到了长辈们的无私的关心。I receive the good-to-excellent care from the seniors in Yangluo MSA.

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介绍了改进MSA进行模型求解的步骤。Also, the approach of an amended MSA to solve the VI model was introduced.

区域经济条件-数据库的经济数据国家、县、参议。Regional Economic Conditions — A database of economic data available by state, county, and MSA.

每一个节目是个性化定制,以确保学生得到生活津贴计划从最。Each program is individually tailored to ensure that students get the most from the MSA program.

该研究的基本结论是,个人账户对城镇医疗保险制度的影响与预期的政策目标基本一致。It can be concluded that the effect of MSA seems to be consistent with the intended policy goal.

根据港口规则,你应该在动火前向海事部门24小时递交申请。According to the port regulations, you should make an application to MSA 24 hours before welding.

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一个排比的位置如果总是只能观察到一种胺基酸残基,我们就称它是保守性十分强的位置。If there is no record in mutation at one MSA position, we say that position tends to be conserved.

和解协议的程序准备在会计和财务管理的各种职业的学生。The MSA program prepares students for a variety of careers in accounting and financial management.

结果表明,利用迁移率谱技术可以很好地区分这两种碲镉汞材料。The result shows that the MSA is a technique suitable for distinguishing above both HgCdTe materials.

十三行业领导者已经加入了MSA在开发这个新的高速接口进行​​合作。Thirteen industry leaders have joined the MSA to collaborate in developing this new high-speed interface.

对MSA废液中的污染物进行了分析,研究了MSA的化学降解性能和生物降解性能。The content of organic in waste MSA was analyzed and the chemical degradability and biodegradability were studied.

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本译码器采用改进的最小和译码算法及符合CMMB标准要求的部分并行译码器结构。The decoder employs the Normalized MSA algorithm, and Partially Parallel structure for LDPC code in CMMB standard.

在MSA的成员正在开发的运行参数,信号传输速度的目标,协议QSFP-DD。Members of the MSA are developing operating parameters, signal transmission speed goals, and protocols for QSFP-DD.

证明了模型解的等价性和唯一性,给出了求解模型的MSA算法。The equivalence and uniqueness of the solution of model are demonstrated. Then, MSA algorithm is cooperated with the model.