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蹼状的手指和脚趾长出来了。Webbed fingers and toes are sprouting.

鼯猴的趾间甚至都有膜。Colugosare even webbed between their toes.

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他们将系牢在他那根网状的皮带上。They would be fastened to his webbed belt.

鼯猴的趾间甚至都有膜。Colugos are even webbed between their toes.

长腿、蹼足的黑白涉水鸟,有细长而向上弯曲的喙。Having webbed toes, as the feet of many water birds.

鸭子在水里用鸭蹼划水,一会游了很远。The duck paddled its way within a minute with its webbed feet.

黄昏鸟拥有一个光滑的、有羽毛覆盖的身体,长长的腿和带蹼的脚。Hesperornis had a sleek, feathered body and long legs with webbed feet.

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只要离开温暖脚窝两分钟,就足以冻死企鹅宝宝。Just 2 minutes off its webbed perch and the chick will freeze to death.

为了吸引他的注视,当我拿到蹼式鞋的时候会重复地说“9码”。“Size 9,” I’ll repeat, holding his gaze while I clutch the webbed shoe.

拍卖动物中还有一只貌似蝙蝠带翼野兽。A bat-like winged beast with webbed feet is among the strange creatures.

为了吸引他的注视,当我拿到蹼式鞋的时候会重复地说“9码”。“Size 9, ” I’ll repeat, holding his gaze while I clutch the webbed shoe.

在大拇指与食指中间像鸭蹼的地方穿孔戴上耳钉。Pierce an earring on the webbed part between the thumb and the forefinger.

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金童便说他现在翅膀硬了,不把自己放在眼里了。Golden webbed hands say he wings hard now, do not put yourself in the eyes.

黑额黑雁慢慢地移动着大大地蹼脚,空中盘旋的天鹅望着它的每一个举动。It was moving its big webbed feet slowly. And the swans stood in the air watching.

蓝色。这些独特的有蹼脚属于一个蓝色足呆子在加拉帕戈斯群岛。These distinctive webbed feet belong to a blue-footed booby of the Galápagos Islands.

其后足上的硬毛和蹼状的中趾及尾使其适应水中生活。Was hard enough on the hair and webbed toe in the water and adapt it to the end of life.

鸟类的一科,嘴扁腿短,趾间有蹼,善游泳,不能高飞。Birds of a family, mouth, short legs, flat between toes are good, can't swim webbed goofy.

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黑额黑雁慢慢地移动着大大的蹼脚,空中盘旋的天鹅望着它的每一个举动。Then the goose was free and standing on the ice. It was moving its big webbed feet slowly.

这种情况一直持续着,直到他的脚蹼被严重磨穿为止。他在游泳方面只得了个唯一的及格成绩。This was kept up until his webbed feet were badly worn and he was only average in swimming.

这种生物的名字来自于它深色的蹼状的手臂,这些手臂可以像网一样盖着它。The species gets its name from its dark, webbed arms, which it can draw over itself like a cloak.