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Sook是一款无线的厨房助手。The Sook is a wireless kitchen assistant.

“肃清行动”是什么?What does "Operation Sook Ching" refer to?

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1983年朴丽淑在韩国首尔创立朴丽淑画廊。Park Ryu Sook Gallery was founded by Ryu-Sook Park in 1983 in Seoul.

韩国特使金塾说,这项协议能否成功将取决于平壤方面的合作。South Korea's Kim Sook says the success of the deal will depend on cooperation from Pyongyang.

朴丽淑画廊上海诚邀您参加我们首个中国当代艺术展的开幕式。Park Ryu Sook Gallery Shanghai is pleased to announce the opening of its first Chinese contemporary exhibition.

卢武铉的妻子被传唤要求第二天去接受第二次调查,他在当天结束了自己的生命。Roh killed himself a day before his wife, Kwon Yang- sook , was expected to be summoned for questioning for a second time.

金惠敬试图提高团队招募她的一些老队友,其中包括两届奥运金牌得主韩谜淑。Hye-kyeong tries to improve the team by recruiting some of her old teammates, including two-time Olympic gold medalist Han Mi- sook.

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2月29日再次来临,而她的同事亦在这一天被人杀害,智妍和探员一同开始寻找诡异事件背后的真相。When Jong- sook is killed on the fateful February 29th, Ji-yeon – with the help of two detectives – starts looking into matters herself.

从杭州武林门西行,远远看见保淑塔高高耸立在层峦山崖上,心绪早已飞到西湖之上了。Hangzhou Wulin Men from the west to see the far- sook security high tower standing on the cliff range upon range of hills, the mind has long been a fly on West Lake.

另一方面,莫斯科宣布说,俄罗斯总理米哈伊尔-弗拉德科夫将于下周二访问首尔,与韩国总理韩明淑就此危机举行会谈。Separately, Moscow announced Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov would visit Seoul next Tuesday for talks with his South Korean opposite number Han Myeong- Sook on the crisis.

周一早间,朝鲜领袖金正日对卢武铉的遗孀权良淑表示了“深深的哀悼”,但并未给予首尔政府任何关于核试验的暗示。Earlier Monday, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il had expressed "profound condolences" to Mr. Roh's widow , Kwon Yang- sook , but gave the Seoul government no hint of the nuclear test.

与此同时,南韩六方会谈首次谈判代表金塾对首尔一家电台说,北韩所说的一切都必须得到核实。Meanwhile, South Korea's new chief delegate to multinational nuclear talks with North Korea Kim Sook told a Seoul-based radio station everything North Korea says will have to be verified.